
Children & Family 子育て支援


Education After Elementary School

Childbirth and Childrearing Benefit



Guide to the childcare and early-childhood education system 子ども・子育て支援新制度を紹介するガイドブック

The 'Comprehensive Support System for Children and Child-rearing' was introduced by the federal government in 2015 to ensure that every child in Japan grows up in a supported environment, and to enable every family to raise their children with peace of mind.

Please refer to the following information booklet to learn more about the the forms of childcare available and related support services, and for an overview of the application process.


Consultation service for parents and guardian of nursery school children / 保護者のための相談窓口

Matsudo City offers a consulting service for parents/guardians of children attending or have graduated from licensed daycare facilities in the city, etc., to discuss any concerns or worries they may have.

Examples of consultation topics include: about the condition of the child, inappropriate childcare, staffing situation, the way childcare staff handles matters, atmospheres of the nursery school, etc.)

You may remain synonymous, and your information will be kept confidential.

Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions you may have that are difficult to say in person or over the phone.

Consultation desk is open for

The parents and guardian of children enrolled-in or graduated-from the Matsudo nursery schools, centers for early childhood education and care, and small-scale childcare services, etc.

Consultations are accepted by e-mail


(Please replace # with @)

■Please enter the following information in the body of the message and send it to us■

- Name (optional)
- Facility your child(ren) are/were attending (optional)
- Your e-mail address (required)
- Whether or not you wish to receive a reply (required)
- Whether or not you wish a correspondence to the facility (required)
* If you do, please provide the name of the facility [___________]
- Content of consultation (required)

* We will not inform the facility of the content of your consultation without your consent.

* Depending on the content of your consultation, we may not be able to respond to some cases, or we may ask you to consult with a specialized institution.

* Depending on the number of consultations, it may take some time for us to respond to your request.

Office in Charge

Matsudo City, Childcare Division
Matsudo City Hall-New Bldg. 7F, Childcare Div.
TEL: 047-366-7351

Japanese / 日本語で読む

Nursery Schools and Kindergartens in Matsudo City 松戸の保育園と幼稚園

If you are intending to put any of your children in a Japanese preschool, such as nursery school or kindergarten, please remember that on October 15th the preschools release their application papers and relevant information, and that the preschools will start accepting the applications exactly on November 1st. It is recommended that you submit your forms by November 30th in order to secure a place for your child.


But what are the differences between Japanese nursery schools (Hoikuen) and kindergartens (Yochien)?

Kindergartens are School 幼稚園は教育の場です

- A preschool education is not considered compulsory which is why the majority of kindergartens are privately-run in Japan. In fact, all kindergartens in Matsudo City are currently private. In contrast, licensed nursery schools, both public and private, are managed by the city (Matsudo City, Childcare Division) as child welfare facilities.

-Kindergartens basically offer three, two and one year programs, meant for three, four and five year old children respectively, while nursery schools are open to children from appx. 0 years old until they enter elementary school.

-The main difference between the two systems is that kindergartens are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as early childhood education, while nursery schools are facilities established by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare under the concept of supporting daytime childcare. For this reason, nursery schools usually offer longer time period of childcare service than kindergartens.

With this perspective in mind, in the past, families who needed childcare while their children were still young due to dual income or nursing care often opted for nursery schools, but this is now changing.

Many kindergartens offer "Extended childcare" for extra fees (there are subsidies from goverment & city), and the city offers childcare facilities called "Sogei (Drop-off & Pick-up) Station" near train stations where children can be looked after before and after the kindergarten operating hours, which makes it easy for working parents to use kindergartens.
There are also nursery schools that incorporate kindergarten-like comprehensive learning into their care.

We hope you can visit and take a good look at many preschools with your own eyes, and find the one that will most suit your children.




Guide and application documents for nursery schools in Matsudo 松戸市 保育所(園)等 利用申込案内と各種申請書類[外国語版]ダウンロード


In order to prevent the spread of the infectious diseases, please submit applications for nursery schools by mail instead of at the counter.
Please note that applications by mail must arrive by the deadline.



Application Process for Nursery School Admission / 保育所(園)利用申請の流れ

The process of applying for and being admitted to a nursery school.

  1. Apply to the Childcare Division of Matsudo City Hall by the deadline of the month you wish to use the nursery school. (By mail)
  2. Based on the application form, the City will adjust the nursery school admission. You will be notified of the result by mail.
  3. You can start using the nursery school.


  1. 松戸市役所保育課へ希望する月の締切日までに申込みをします。(郵送)
  2. 申請書に基づいて市が利用調整を行います。結果の可否について郵送にて連絡いたします。
  3. 保育所(園)等の利用ができます。

Application Period for Fiscal Year 2024 / 令和6年度 利用申請書受付期間

The application period for April 2024 is from Tuesday, October 17, 2023 to Thursday, November 30, 2023.
In order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, applications should be sent by mail. Please note that applications received by mail must arrive no later than the deadline.

If you wish to apply for selection in May 2024 or later, the deadline for application is the last day of the month two months prior to the month you wish to apply. However, if the last day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a national holiday, the application deadline will be the last day when the office is open.


Guide and Application Documents for FY2024 [English] / 令和6年度 [英語版] 保育所等利用案内と申し込み書類

Nursery School Documents in Language Other than English / [英語以外の言語] 保育所等利用案内と申し込み書類

Guide and application form for 'Matsudo City After-school Kids Clubs' 松戸市 放課後児童クラブ 利用申込案内&申請書

'After-school Kids Club' is a child support program to take care of elementary school children whose parents are away from home during the daytime for reasons such as work, etc., and to provide them with sound upbringing after school. These clubs are available at all municipal elementary schools within Matsudo.

● For the new 1st-graders of a new fiscal year, the application is accepted in November of the previous year.
From November 1st to 30th, 2023, for the Fiscal Year 2024
Please submit application form, and employment certificate (designated format), etc. to the After-school Kids Club of your choice.

Please see the 'Matsudo City After-school Kids Club User Guide' or contact Matsudo City Hall - Children's Future Support Division (047-366-7347, 9F New Bldg.) for details.




● Office in Charge /担当課:
Children's Future Support Division /子どもの未来応援課 047-366-7347

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。日本語で読む / Read details in Japanese

Child allowance applications ('jido-te-a-te') 「児童手当」の申請について

Download the following document for detailed information regarding the Child Allowance System -


'Min-guru' multicultural play sessions @ 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' (public playspace) インターナショナル ママパパひろば「みんぐる」@ほっとるーむ新松戸

Every month the 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' playspace holds a casual gathering for foreign parents and their babies (generally up to the age of 3) called 'Min-guru' (=mingle). The session is also popular amongst parents with foreign spouses, parents who have lived overseas in the past, and those who have an interest in foreign cultures. It is completely free and open to anyone with a young child (including families who do not reside in Matsudo).

Matsudo City's Coordinator of International Relations Erin paid a visit to 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' in early 2017. Read about her impressions of the foreign parents and babies session by clicking here.

  • Date: Every 4th Sunday of the month
  • Time: 1:00-2:00pm (Hours vary, please check the website)
  • Location: 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo', Shin Matsudo 3-1-4
  • Fee: FREE
  • More info: Call or visit us to make a reservation
  • Refer the below poster, provided by Hot Room Shin Matsudo

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Hottoroom Shinmatsudo Newsletter (August 2024 edition) / ほっとるーむ新松戸つうしん 令和6年度8月号

Information on the flyer is subject to change. Please check the website or contact them directly to confirm the latest information.


Hottoroom Shinmatsudo ほっとるーむしんまつど
TEL: 047-375-8737
(Tuesday through Sunday, 10am-6pm)
Email: hotroom_shinmatsudo@m-harmony.org
Address: 1F Shinmatsudo Mirai-kan, Shinmatsudo 3-1-4

毎月、ほっとるーむ新松戸では「海外パパママひろば みんぐる」が開催されます。対象は、小さい子供(一般的に3歳未満)とその親たちです(市外在住でもかまいません)。外国人市民だけではなく、外国人と結婚している方や海外に住んだ経験がある方、海外の文化に興味がある方々の間でも人気がある広場です。参加は無料です。

松戸市の国際交流員エリンは、平成29年上旬にほっとるーむ新松戸を訪ねみました。エリンの 「海外パパママひろば」の印象についてぜひ読んでみてください。

  • 日時:毎月第4日曜日、午後1時~2時(時間は変動しますので、ウェブサイトを確認してください)
  • 場所:新松戸3丁目1の4 新松戸未来会館1階 (10時から18時、月曜は休日)
  • 費用:無料
  • 申し込み:要予約 お電話かひろばにて予約して参加してください。



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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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