Loans for reduced-income households due to COVID-19 コロナウイルスにより収入が減少した世帯への緊急融資について
Target person / people 対象者:Those financially struggling to live due to reduced-income caused by COVID-19収入の減少で生活が苦しい方へ
Description 説明:A loan fund for households affected by COVID-19 whose income has decreased as a result of temporary stoppage of work or unemployment. (All who reside in a same address and share the utility bills are considered one household.)
- Loan interest is free within the redemption period, however, delinquent interest will be charged if the loan is not repaid within the redemption period.
- No guarantor required
(1)Emergency Small Amount Fund ※This fund will be closed on March 31st, 2022.
- Maximum loan amount:200,000yen /household
- Deferment period:Within 1 year
- Repayment period:Within 2 years
(2)General Support Fund ※This fund will be closed on March 31st, 2022.
- Maximum loan amount (within 3 months period in principle):150,000 yen/mo (1 person household)200,000 yen/mo (2+ people household)
- Deferment period:Within 1 year
- Repayment period:Within 10 years
(3)Temporary Emergency Fund ※This fund has been closed.この融資は終了しました。
- Households that need a bridge loan before receiving the funds for (1) will be funded the same amount they applied for for (1).
Office in charge 担当部署:Matsudo City, Social Welfare Council TEL:047-368-0912
Matsudo City International Portal (English)
COVID-19 Updates 外国人向けの新型コロナウイルスに関する情報
文化スポーツ部 文化にぎわい創造課
千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル6階
電話番号:047-366-7327 FAX:047-711-6387