
Neighborhood Association and Civic Engagement 町会と市民活動


Neighborhood Association PR Animation / 町会・自治会のPRアニメ

Neighborhood Associations / 町会・自治会

 Town councils and neighborhood associations are places where people in their own neighborhoods try to understand each other through friendly heart-to-heart contact and a sense of unity to create a comfortable, peaceful, and pleasant local community.
 As of April 1, 2023, 164,391 households in Matsudo City are members of one of the community associations (66.09% membership rate). Unless everyone works together to solve common problems in the community, both individual lives and also the living of the community as a whole will not improve.
 Getting local people to talk and interact with each other is the first step in community development.

> Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Community activities conducted and managed by town councils and neighborhood associations / 町会・自治会などが行うコミュニティ活動

 Town councils, neighborhood associations, etc. engage in a variety of activities to foster community, such as improving the lives and welfare of local residents.
Below are some examples of community activities. (There are many more activities than those listed here, and they vary from association to association.)
 In addition, once a year, 'Koho Matsudo', a free official town paper, publishes a special issue on civic activities introducing the activities of town councils and neighborhood associations. The most recent article is posted below, so please take a look.
> Koho Matsudo #1781 December 15, 2023 issue / 広報まつどNo1781

Bulletin Boards

 Local bulletin boards are set up and maintained by town councils and neighborhood associations. Posters with local and city information are posted on them, so check your area's bulletin board.

Environmental Awareness and Clean-up Activities

 Town councils/neighborhood associations hold community clean-up days several times a year where residents clean up neighborhood streets and parks, pick up litter, and tidy up the surrounding area on a regular basis.
The collective activities of each individual are essential to keeping the town clean and comfortable to live in.

Designated Trash Collection Points

 Town councils/neighborhood associations manage and clean the waste collection points so that everyone can use them comfortably.

Security Lights

 Town councils/neighborhood associations install, maintain, and repair security lights so that people can walk on the streets safely at night.

Crime Prevention Patrols and Watching Over Children

 In order to make the community a safe place for children to go to and from school, town councils/neighborhood associations watch over children on their way to and from school and conduct crime prevention patrols.

Recreational Activities

 Various events are held in each community, such as civic sports days, music festivals, etc.

Related Links / 関連リンク

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Neighborhood association PR animation and manga

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。How to contact and/or apply to join a neighborhood association (Japanese)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Posters and announcements sent to neighborhood associations throughout the city (Japanese)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Contact / お問い合わせ

Citizen's Affairs Department,
Citizen Autonomy Division (Shimin Jichi-ka)
3F Main Building, 387-5 Nemoto, Matsudo City
Email: mcshiminjichi@city.matsudo.chiba.jp
TEL: 047-366-7318 Fax: 047-366-2447

Connecting people at 'Matsudo DE Tsunagaru Station' / みんなの居場所「まつどDEつながるステーション」

The city is establishing one or more "Matsudo DE Tsunagaru Stations" in each of the city's 15 areas, with the aim of preventing isolation in the community by providing a "loose connection" where every citizen can participate and have a chance to engage with people and the community, thereby becoming involved in society.

This is a third place, different from school, work, or home, that everyone in the community can feel free to use. Local residents at each station are planning various events and activities, so please see the flyer for details.

Together with the city and community members, we will think about what kinds of places and opportunities would be good for the community, and by encouraging people to participate in and use our activities, we aim to build relationships that connect people to each other, and to support and guidance services when needed.

> Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Contact / お問い合わせ

General Policy Dept.
Community Cohesion Div. (Chiiki Kyosei-Ka)
TEL: 047-710-3200

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電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



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