National Health Insurance and National Pension 国民健康保険・国民年金
■ National Health Insurance / 国民健康保険のガイドブック
Matsudo City's guidebook in 6 languages that provides foreign residents with information on the National Health Insurance system and other details.
Guide to National Health Insurance (Eng. Jap. Chin. Viet. Fil. Nep)(PDF:2,056KB)(PDF:2,056KB)
■ Elimination of National Health Insurance Card / 国民健康保険証の廃止について
With the integration of the My Number card and the National Health Insurance Card card, the National Health Insurance Card will be discontinued after December 2, 2024. The National Health Insurance Card will no longer be issued, but you can use your current valid National Health Insurance Card card until the end of its valid period.
Please see the details of this change on the designated web page below.
Use of a My Number Card as a Health Insurance Card / マイナンバーカードの健康保険証利用について
■ Japanese National Pension System Information / 国民年金制度について
Multilingual information pamphlets regarding Japan's compulsory National Pension System can be downloaded from the following website.
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