
Language Support Services 言語支援


English and Chinese Interpreting Service at City Hall 英語・中国語行政通訳

Matsudo City Hall - Internationalization Promotion Division employs a part-time English and Chinese interpreter to help foreign residents with their municipal enquiries*. They are available by phone, email and on-site, as follows -

  • English interpreter hours:
    Mon, Wed, Fri. 9:15 - 15:30
    TEL: 047 710 2725, or ask for the interpreter ('eigo tsu-yaku') once you arrive at city hall reception
    Email: mckokusai@city.matsudo.chiba.jp
  • Chinese interpreter hours:
    Mon, Tues, Thurs. 9:15 - 15:30
    TEL: 047 710 2725, or ask for the interpreter ('chugoku-go tsu-yaku') once you arrive at city hall reception
    Email: mckokusai@city.matsudo.chiba.jp

*Please note that the interpreter is only available for enquiries directly related to the city hall. They also do not offer any document translation services (for city purposes or otherwise).


  • 英語行政通訳  
    月曜・水曜・金曜 午前9時15分から午後3時30分
    国際推進課(こくさいすいしんか) TEL: 047-710-2725
    Email: mckokusai@city.matsudo.chiba.jp
  • 中国語行政通訳
    月曜・火曜・木曜 午前9時15分から午後3時30分
    国際推進課(こくさいすいしんか) TEL: 047-710-2725
    Email: mckokusai@city.matsudo.chiba.jp

※ この行政通訳サポートは、市役所で提供する市の行政に関する内容のみ対象です。また、市のサービスに関する・関しないにかかわらず、書面での翻訳は行っておりませんので、ご注意ください。

Foreign Resident Support Desk (multilingual) 外国人相談窓口(多言語)

The ‘Foreign Resident Support Desk’ is a multilingual support service offered by the Matsudo City Hall Public Enquiries Office. The service is open to any Non-Japanese living and/or working in Japan, and is currently available in 3 languages (English, Chinese, Filipino). They are also assisting consultation through live tablet interpreter for other languages and in case there is no available Counselor. All enquiries regarding city services, daily life, cultural differences, tax, household garbage, divorce, education, DV, etc. are welcomed. Your information will be strictly protected.

たとえば、家族(かぞく)家庭(かてい)教育(きょういく)行政手続(てつづき)仕事(しごと)健康(けんこう)()まい、()らし、離婚(りこん)家庭内暴力(かていないぼうりょく)のことなどです。 相談内容(そうだんないよう)秘密(ひみつ)(まも)られます。

  • Location: Matsudo City Hall, main building level 2 (Public Enquiries Office)
    (ほんかん 2かい、 こうちょう たんとう しつ、そうだん こーなー)

*For consultation and/or booking for consultation, please call 047-366-9151

*The support desk will not operate on any days when the City Hall is closed (New Year holidays, public holidays etc.)

  • Schedule: Please check the below link for consultation days, time of each language.

Consultation Service for Non-Japanese 外国人相談窓口

Video Remote Interpreting モバイル通訳機

Matsudo City Hall also uses Video Remote Interpreting Services via tablet devices to assist citizens with
their municipal procedures in various languages.

  • Languages available : English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipino (Tagalog),Thai, Nepalese,French, Russian
  • Hours : City Hall standard operating hours


  • 対応言語 : 英語、中国語、韓国語、ポルトガル語、スペイン語、ベトナム語、フィリピノ語、タイ語、ネパール語、フランス語、ロシア語
  • 対応時間: 市役所開庁時間

Multi-lingual Source of Matsudo City's Information 多言語で発信する松戸市の情報

Matsudo City provides a variety of digital tools to share information in multiple languages for citizens whose native language is not Japanese. Please check out these websites for living guides, consultation support, medical/educational information, administrative procedures, events and tourism information, and many more.


Read Matsudo City's official free paper in multi-language 松戸の広報誌が多言語で読めます

You can now read "Koho Matsudo", Matsudo's one and only official town paper in multi-language, using the following apps on your smart-phone/tablet, etc. "Koho Matsudo" is issued twice a month on every 1st & 15th of the month, and jam-packed with the hot topics of Matsudo. We invite you to easily access the best source of information on what's happening in the city right now!

Click here for the details (Japanese)


詳細は 紹介ページ をご覧ください(日本語)

Return to 'For Foreign Residents' page 「外国人市民向けの資料」のページへ戻る

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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







한국 (韓国語)

Tiếng Việt (ベトナム語)

Español (スペイン語)

Português (ポルトガル語)
