
Matsudo City GPS Tracker Subsidy Program 松戸市GPS端末購入支援事業


【Starting April 1, 2023】We subsidize the initial cost of purchasing a GPS tracker for kids!

Ensuring the safety of children in their daily lives and on their way to and from school, and reducing the anxieties of their parents and guardians

Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Subsidy: 10,000 yen maximum

Subsidiy for the initial cost of purchasing a GPS tracker. (Incl. the cost of the GPS device, initial registration fees, and shipping cost, etc.)


Applicants must meet all of the following criteria

  1. Must be a resident of Matsudo City on the date of purchase and the date of application
  2. Have parental custody of the child (elementary school student in grades 1 through 6 during the 2023 school year) or living with the child in a same household.
  3. The applicant must not be in dificit (arrears) of municipal tax.

※ The applicant, the name of the bank account, and the name of the person purchased must all be the same person to apply.

Items to be subsidized

  1. GPS devices purchased on or after April 1, 2023. (The cost of the device itself, initial registration fee, initial handling fee, shipping costs, etc. are eligible for the subsidy)
  2. In case that a GPS was bought as an attached item that can be brought to school, such as, a school bag, crime prevention buzzer, etc., as an accessory, the GPS portion is eligible for the subsidy. If the price of the item is unknown, please attach the item purchase invoice.
  3. The subsidy is limited to one GPS device per child.

Please note that following the confirmation of your eligibility of the application, it takes 3 months for the provision of subsidy.

Items NOT subject to the subsidy

  1. Monthly usage fees, monthly option fees, etc. are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. (If the monthly usage fees are included in the initial registration/handling fees, the usage fee portion will not covered by the subsidy.)
  2. GPS devices purchased on or before March 31, 2023.
  3. Smartphones, Kids cellphones, Smartwatches, etc.

Other than those specified above, item that can make calls to an unspecified number of people or that has gaming functions are not eligible.

Required Documents

Files with English guide corresponding to each required forms are available for download at the bottom.

  • Application Form <FORM 1>
  • A document showing the contents of the purchase <FORM 2> Must include the following information -(1)Name of applicant, (2)Date of purchase, (3)Name of the retailer, (4)Purchase amount, and (5)Description of purchased item (i.e. product name, model number, etc.) ※Photocopies are acceptable.
  • Request for Subsidy <FORM 4>
  • A copy of the bank account information, such as, a bank book or an ATM card (The name of the bank, branch name, account number, and name of cardholder must be clearly shown.)

※ Please refer to the "SAMPLE" PDFs at the bottom of this page for English guide to filling out the forms.
※ Agreement upon application:
On the reverse side of the application form, you will need to check the list, and sign the pledge and agreement. Please review the contents in English sample file and discuss the use of GPS devices with your child well in advance.

※ If any of the required items are not filled out properly or stamped, or if the details of the purchase cannot be confirmed, the subsidy will not be granted. In addition, the submitted documents (incl. original documents) will not be returned.

※ Each set of application documents is for one child, so if you are submitting multiple applications, please prepare documents in accordance with the number of children.

Steps to receive the subsidy

  1. Mail the application form and required documents along with the attachments to the School Affairs Division-School Health Office (4F Keiyo Gas F Matsudo Bldg. 387-5 Nemoto, Matsudo City)
  2. Based on the application, the city reviews the eligibility and determines the amount of subsidy.
  3. You will be notified by mail with a subsidy provision/rejection notice for the Matsudo City GPS Tracker Subsidy Program.
  4. It takes approximately 3 months from the confirmation of the application until the provision of the subsidy.

When bringing the GPS tracker to the school, etc., parents/guardians must make sure to place the device in the school bag, etc. and having your children fully understand that it must not be taken in or out of the bag while at school.
The school and other organizations will not be responsible for any loss or damage of the device.
※ "School, etc." here means school life in general, including school activities, After-school Kids Club, and After-school Kids Room, etc.

For inquiry & where to submit

Matsudo Board of Education, School Affairs Division - School Health Office /Gakumuka - Gakkohoken Tantoshitu
271-8588 4F Keiyo Gas F Matsudo Bldg. 387-5 Nemoto, Matsudo City
TEL: 047-366-7459

Application Documents Download

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