
Nursing Care Jobs 介護の仕事


Introducing foreign caregivers contributing to Matsudo nursing care industry / 介護の仕事で活躍している外国人をご紹介します

To increase the number of caregivers in Matsudo City, we are broadcasting information about caregiver jobs to foreign nationals on the Matsudo City Nursing Care Insurance Division's YouTube channel, "Matsudo DE Care Channel."

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Matsudo DE Care Channel (YouTube) / まつどDE介護ちゃんねる

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。View a playlist featuring nursing care staff from Indonesia / インドネシア出身のスタッフへのインタビューまとめ

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。View a playlist featuring nursing care staff from Vietnam / ベトナム出身のスタッフへのインタビューまとめ

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。View a playlist featuring nursing care staff from Nepal / ネパール出身のスタッフへのインタビューまとめ

We support those who work or seek to work in the nursing care industry / 介護の仕事を行う方を支援します

Subsidies for the cost of the Beginning Caregiver Training and Practical Caregiver Training


In order to secure human resources to work in the field of nursing care and provide reliable services, we subsidize the cost of “training for beginner nursing care workers” and “training for practical nursing care workers”.

> Learn more details (Japanese) / 日本語で詳しく読む

FY2024-2nd Introductory Training on Nursing Care in Matsudo City

令和6年度 第2回 松戸市介護に関する入門的研修
[FY2024 2nd term training sessions have finished]
We offer training programs for those who are interested in nursing care and those who have no experience in the industry to learn basic knowledge and skills related to nursing care. We also provide support in finding nursing care work.
> Learn more details (Japanese) / 日本語で詳しく読む

Association of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo presents, 'Japanese Language Class for Nursing Care Workers'

In cooperation with the Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo City and the Matsudo International Exchange Association (MIEA), the course will cover the basic language necessary in nursing care (terminology), Kanji characters, and how to communicate with the users.
Please contact the Association of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo for the latest information.
Learn more details on MIEA website / MIEAのホームページ
> Contact and/or apply at Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo
TEL: 080-5379-6017 (Attn. Fujisawa)

Matsudo City Long Service Award for Nursing Care Workers

Awards are given to caregivers and others who have been serving Matsudo City for many years.
Awards history with short movies (Japanese) / 過去の表彰式などの記録

Matsudo City Nursing Care Photo Exhibition

Please take a look at the active employees working in nursing homes and other facilities!
Slideshows of the exhibition are available in the page below.
Nursing care photo exhibitions in the past (Japanese) / 過去の写真展開催の様子

Office in Charge / 担当課

Matsudo City, Nursing Care Insurance Division (Kaigo Hoken Ka / 介護保険課(かいごほけん か)
1F Main Bldg., 387-5 Nemoto, Matsudo City
※ Please contact Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo for inquiries regarding "Japanese Language Class for Nursing Care Workers".


文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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