
Procedures at the City Hall 市役所での手続き


City Hall/District Branch Locations 市役所・支所の位置

The City Hall and it's 8 Branch Offices are your one-stop-shop for all municipal enquiries and procedures. You will be required to visit one of these offices upon moving in or out of the city, when registering a birth, death or marriage, or when applying for a Certificate of Residency, etc.

The City Hall main branch also offers an English and Chinese interpreting service to assist you when making municipal enquiries (by phone or in person). Visit the Language Support Services page for information about availability and to make a booking.

Operating days & hours for both main and branch offices are below.

  • Opening Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30~17:00
  • Holidays: Sat, Sun, National Holidays and the New Year period
  • Matsudo City Hall
    Address: Nemoto 387-5
    Access: 10 min walk from the east exit of Matsudo Sta.
    TEL: 047-366-1111 (switchboard) Enquiries in English/Chinese: 047-710-2725
  • Tokiwadaira Branch
    Address: Tokiwadaira 3-30
    Access: 7 min walk from the south exit of Tokiwadaira Sta.
    TEL: 047-387-2131
  • Kogane Branch
    Address: Kogane 2 (Picotee West Bld. 3F)
    Access: 2 min walk from the south exit of JR Kitakogane Sta.
    TEL: 047-341-5101
  • Koganehara Branch
    Address: Koganehara 6-6-2
    1) Shin Keisei Bus 'Kogane 4'(小金(こがね)4)from Kitakogane Sta. (bus stop 3).
    Get off at 'gyousei-sentaa' 「行政センター(ぎょうせいせんたー)
    2) Shin Keisei Bus 'Yahashira 9'(八柱(やはしら)9)from Yahashira/Shin-Yabashira Sta. (bus stop 3).
    Get off at 'bus annai-jyo' 「バス案内所(ばすあんないじょ)
    TEL: 047-344-3151
  • Mutsumi Branch
    Address: Rokkodai 3-71
    Access: 15 min walk from Mutsumi Sta. (Tobu Line)
    TEL: 047-385-0113
  • Mabashi Branch
    Address: Mabashi 179-1 (Mabashi Station Mall 4F)
    Access: 2 min walk from the west exit of JR Mabashi Sta, and from Ryutestu Mabashi Sta.
    TEL: 047-345-2131
  • Shinmatsudo Branch
    Address: Shinmatsudo 3-27
    Access: 10 min walk from Shinmatsudo Sta.
    TEL: 047-343-5111
  • Yakiri Branch
    Address: Miyakodai 3-10-5
    Access: Keisei Bus to 'Ichikawa Sta'(市川駅行き(いちかわえきいき)) from the west exit of Matsudo Sta. Get off at Kamiyakiri(上矢切(かみやきり)) and walk 1 min.
    TEL: 047-362-3181
  • Higashi Matsudo Branch
    Address: Higashi Matsudo 2-14-1
    (Within the new composite municipal services center, "Higa Matsu Terrace" 2nd floor)
    Access: 4 min walk from JR Higashimatsudo Sta.
    TEL:047-703-0610 FAX:047-703-0612
    *"Tobu branch" has closed as of Dec. 17, 2021. 東部支所は令和3年12月17日に閉鎖しました。


Read more in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Municipal Services Center / 行政サービスセンター

 Located in Matsudo Station, the Municipal Services Center handles some administrative procedures including the issuance of certificates, etc., and is open after business hours at City Hall and branch offices.
 Please note that not all the administrative services are handled at the center, so please refer to the list of available services below.

Temporary Relocation of Municipal Services Center / 移転のお知らせ

Due to renovation work at Matsudo Station, the Municipal Services Center has been relocated to the 8th floor of the ATRE Matsudo from January 9, 2024.



8F Atre Matsudo, 1181 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi

Days and Hours of Operation

  • Monday through Friday: 10 am - 8 pm
  • Saturday : 10 am - 6 pm
  • 2nd & 4th Sundays:10 am - 6 pm

Office Holidays

  • 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays
  • National Holidays
  • New Year Holidays
  • Atre store holidays

For notices of temporary closings or changes in office hours, please visit the Citizen's Administration Office page.

Available Services

  • Issuance of Residence Certificates (Residence Certificate, Certificate of deleted residence, Certificate of matters recorded in the Residence Certificate)
  • Issuance of Family Registers (Certificate of all matters, Certification for personal items, etc.)
  • Issuance of Tax Certificates (Certificate of residence tax, Certificate of address, Certificate of tax payment)
  • Issuance of Seal Registraion


Resident Administration Division (Shimin-ka)
TEL: 047-366-7340

The 'My Number' social security system / 「マイナンバー」制度について

The Japanese government has adopted a new social security and tax number system, 'My Number Card (Individual Number Card)' in order to (1) enhance the social security to people who truly need it, (2) enhance public convenience and (3) develop the efficiency in administration.

Visit the following website for more information -

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。'My Number Card' information

↑See here for the details of the System, how to get your own My Number Card, and how to use it.


外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。マイナンバーカードの詳しい情報へ


My Number Card application methods / マイナンバーカードの申請方法

To obtain a My Number Card, you can choose from a variety of application methods for your convenience. Please prepare your ID and the application form with QR code that you received in the mail (if you have one) to complete the process.

1) Via online (Japanese site)
You can apply from home quickly, if you have a proper self-portrait photo on your device.
2) Via a photobooth installed by various manufactures
You can take a proper photo of you and apply at the same time.
(List of manufactures' website is shown in the middle of this page)
3) By mail with a written application form
By using the partially-filledout application form, you can follow English-translated guide, and send in the documents in a pre-enclosed return envelope. It might be the easiest way for those who don't have enough confidence in Japanese ability.
[Download] Pre-addressed envelope for mail-in application HERE
4) By visiting Matsudo My Number Card Center (Japanese site)
Matsudo Dai-ichi Seimei Bldg. 2F, 14-2 Honcho, Matsudo City
Open: 9AM - 7PM Weekdays, 9AM-5PM 1st & 3rd Sat., 2nd & 4th Sun.
(Excl. National Holidays, Year-end & New Year Holidays)
5) By visiting temporary My Number Card application support centers (Japanese site) and Japan Post Offices (JP Bank)
Matsudo city is offering My Number Card application support at various commercial facilities across the city for a limited time. Please see this website (Japanese) for the list of facilities and when they are holding the on-site application support.
My Number Card application is also supported at all Japan Post offices throughout the city with a prior reservation.


1) スマートフォンや、PCを使って ネット から申請
2) 様々な会社が設置している、証明写真のブースから申請
3) 受け取った通知を利用して、郵送 で申請
4) Matsudo My Numberマイナンバーカード交付センター にて申請
松戸市本町14-2 松戸第一生命ビル 2階
Open: 平日9AM - 7PM, 第1&第3土曜日 および 第2&第4日曜日 9AM-5PM
5) マイナンバーカード出張申請サポートセンター 市内の全郵便局 にて申請
松戸市では、市内の商業施設に期間限定のマイナンバー出張申請サポートセンターを設置しています。開催時期や開催場所のリストは、マイナンバーカード出張申請会場ページ をご覧ください。

Use of a My Number Card as a Health Insurance Card / マイナンバーカードの健康保険証利用について

With the integration of the My Number card and the National Health Insurance Card card, the National Health Insurance Card will be discontinued after December 2, 2024. The National Health Insurance Card will no longer be issued, but you can use your current valid National Health Insurance Card card until the end of its valid period.
Please see the details of this change on the designated web page below.

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Use of a My Number Card as a Health Insurance Card / マイナンバーカードの健康保険証利用について

Online residence procedures with My Number Card / マイナンバーカードを利用したオンライン在留手続き

After March 2022, If you have an Individual Number Card, foreign nationals (all the status of residence excluding "Diplomat" and "Temporary Visitor") can apply for residence procedures online.
Applications available online:

  1. Certificate of Eligibility(在留資格認定証明書交付申請(ざいりゅうしかく にんていしょうめいしょ こうふ)
  2. Change of Status of Residence(在留資格変更許可申請(ざいりゅうしかく へんこうきょか)
  3. Extensinon of Period of Stay(在留期間更新許可申請(ざいりゅうきかん こうしんきょか)
  4. Permission to Acquire Status of Residence(在留資格取得許可申請(ざいりゅうしかく しゅとくきょか)
  5. Certificate of Authorized Employment(就労資格証明書交付申請(しゅうろうしかく しょうめいしょ こうふ)
  6. Re-entry Permission(再入国許可申請(さいにゅうこく きょか)
  7. Permission to engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted(資格外活動許可申請(しかくがいかつどう きょか)

What you need:

  1. My Number Card
  2. Residence Card
  3. PC (Smartphones are not supported)
  4. IC card reader/writer (compatible with My Number Card)
  5. JPKI client software (download free from the Japanese Public Key Infrastructure website)

Inquiries regarding the system:
Residence Application Online System Help Desk
Phone Number: 050-3786-3053
Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:00 (Japanese only)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Immigration Services Agency HP / 再入国在留管理庁ホームページ

Procedures for Moving 引っ越しの手続き

Who can apply:

  1. The applicant himself / herself
  2. Head of household
  3. Proxy (A letter of attorney from 1 or 2 above is required)

Office hours:

Monday through Friday From 8:30 am to 5 pm

   (closed on National Holidays and New Year holidays)

※ Please complete the move-in procedure within 14 days from the date you move to Matsudo City.
※ Be sure to bring a proof of identification such as, a residence card, driver's license, My Number Card, etc., and a stamp seal (if you have one). Foreign nationals are required to present a residence card, but those who were not issued a residence card when they entered Japan should bring their passport.
※ Items marked with [] are available at the counter or on the website.]

Procedures to be taken at the City Hall upon moving in / 転入の際市役所で行う主な手続き

Cases Items Procedures

Required Documents
(In addition to your photo ID)

Office in

Moving-in Moving in from another city or overseas Submit a notice of moving in.
Take necessary procedures in the following sections.
・Certificate of Moving-out issued by the town office of your former residence.
・Notice of Moving-in
Resident Administration Div. (New Bldg. 1F) /
Branch Offices
Own My Number Card My Number Card Complete the change of address procedure for your My Number Card. This can also be done through MyNa Portal (an online administrative service system) using your My Number Card. ・My Number Card
Have a registered seal Seal Registration (Inkan Toroku) Re-register your seal in Matsudo. (400yen)
You will receive a Seal Registration Card
・Stamp seal

Have insurance
other than
Social Insurance

National Health Insurance (NHI) Complete an enrollment procedure, and you will have a new NHI card on the spot. ・National Health Insurance card National Health Insurance & Pension Div. (Main Bldg. 1F) / Resident Administration Div. (New Bldg. 1F) / Branch Offices
Latter-stage Elderly Healthcare system Complete an enrollment procedure, and you will receive the new insurance card at your new address in mail. ・Latter-stage Elderly Healthcare System insurance card National Health Insurance & Pension Div. - Latter-stage Elderly Healthcare Unit (Main Bldg. 1F) / Branch Offices
Long-term Care Insurance Complete an enrollment procedure, and you will receive the new insurance card at your new address in mail.
If you are currently certified as "Requiring Support/Nursing Care", submit an application for certification.
・Long-term Care insurance card
・Certification for long-term care / support requirement
Nursing Care Insurance Div. (Main Bldg. 1F) / Branch Offices
Receiving National Pension Persons in Category 1 only Complete the change of address procedure.
This procedure is not required if your My Number Card is linked to your pension number.
・Change of address form National Health Insurance & Pension Div. - National Pension Unit (New Bldg. 3F) / Branch Offices
Have child / children Child Allowance (Jido Te-ate) Apply to be certified for Matsudo City. Applicant (person who receives the allowance)'s
・Seal ・My Number Card
・Copy of child's Health Insurance Card
・Copy of bank information
Children's Future Support Div. - Childcare Allowance Office (New Bldg. 9F) / Branch Offices
Child Rearing Allowance for Single-parent Household, etc. (Jido Fuyo Te-ate) ・Family Register of the applicant and his/her child/-ren (or an original document of proof of unmarried status from your country, your child's birth certificate, and their translated documentation)
・Copy of child's health insurance card
・Copy of bank book/card
・Copies of contract documents or Notification of Property Tax Payment for your house.
・Documents related to child support
Medical Expense Subsidy System for Children (Kodomo Iryouhi Josei) Apply for the issuance of Child Medical Expense Subsidy ticket. ・Applicant/guardian's seal
・Copy of child's Health Insurance Card
・Applicant/guardian's My Number Card
Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Boshi Techo) No procedure is required, but please fill in your new address in the book. ・N/A Citizen Health Consulting Rooms in the City Hall (Main Bldg. 1F) and in Branch Offices
Prenatal / Infant Medical Checkups Receive a new bundle of tickets that can be used in Matsudo. ・Maternal and Child Health Handbook
Children's periodic vaccinations Apply and receive a vaccination number and pre-vaccination questionnaire forms for your child. Citizen Health Consulting Rooms in the City Hall (Main Bldg. 1F) and in Branch Offices /
Health Promotion Div. (Central Health & Welfare Center 3F)
18 month checkup Apply and receive checkup tickets, and notifications by mail when it is time for your child's checkup. Citizen Health Consulting Rooms in the City Hall (Main Bldg. 1F) and in Branch Offices
3 year checkup
Nursery school / kindergarten Submit an application for a public/certified nursery school by mail or over the counter at City Hall. Please inquire directly for a kindergarten, Application & other required documents for nursery schools Childcare Div. - Nursery School Admission Office (New Bldg. 7F)
Municipal Elemtary / Junior High School Visit School Affairs Division to take a school transfer procedure. ・Certificate of Enrollment
・Certificate for Provision of Textbooks
School Affairs Div. (Keiyo Gas Bldg, 4F) / Branch Offices

Hold a disability certificate Physigal Disability Certificate Complete the change of address procedure for your disability handbook. ・Physical Disability Handbook Disability Welfare Div. (New Bldg. 3F)
Mental Disability Certificate
Rihabilitation Certificate ・Mental Disability Handbook
・Rehabilitation Handbook
Own a pet Dog Complete the change of address process for your dog's registration. (If you have your dog microchipped and registered on the Ministry of the Environment website, you can do this process on the same site instead). ・The dog tag issued by the previous city hall of residence, or its number if the dog tag is not available.
Change of Address form for a dog
Environmental Conservation Div. (New Bldg. 6F)
Not sure how to dispose of garbage Separation and disposing of household garbage Please see the leaflet "How to separate household garbage". The location & day of collection are determined by your area of residence. Please consult with your local community association or your neighbors for the details. ・N/A Environmental Management Div.(New Bldg. 6F)
Wish to receive health checkups Health checkup for those with NHI No procedure is required. In approximately 4 to 6 weeks, you will receive your "Matsudo City Health Checkup Ticket" in the mail. Health Promotion Div.- Medical Checkup Unit (Main Bldg. 2F)
City cancer screenings Health Promotion Div. (Central Health & Welfare Center 3F)
Own a motorcycle Category 1 (up to 50cc) & category 2 (from 50 to 125cc) motorcycles Complete the change of address procedure. ・Stamp seal
・Driver's license
・Number plate
・Vehicle registration certificate
Taxation System Div. (New Bldg. 2F) / Branch Offices
Relocation procedures other than at City Hall
Gas Complete the change of address procedure. ・Please contact each operator / institution. Keiyo Gas, etc.
Water Chiba Pref. Waterworks Bureau
Electricity TEPCO, etc.
Internet Each internet provider
Mail Japan Post Office
Land-line telephone NTT East, etc.
Driver's License Nagareyama Driver's License Center

【Finished】Temporary opening of the Resident Administration Office (Shimin-ka) / 市民課窓口の臨時開庁のお知らせ

March and April are the months when the largest number of people change their addresses due to employment, transfer, entrance into a new school, etc. To relieve congestion and for those who are unable to visit the City Hall on weekdays, the Resident Administration Division counter will be temporarily open on the following dates.

Date & Hours of Temporary Operation

※ Temporary opening schedules are to be announced on the Resident Administration Div. page when available

Services Provided

- Change of address (moving-in/out, moving within the city)
- Seal registration
- Issuance of certificates (for residence, family register, seal register, etc.)
- Family Register Notification
(If the applicant's city of legal residence or place of residence is outside of Matsudo City, the notification will be held in abeyance as it requires an inquiry to the municipality outside of Matsudo City.)
- My Number Card related
(issuance of an application form, electronic certificate update and PIN reset, etc. *Excluding the distribution of the Card)

※ There are some services that cannot be handled, such as procedures that require confirmation with other municipalities or related organizations, so please inquire for details.
※ The temporary citizens' administration office is only open at the Matsudo City Hall main building, not at other city branch offices.


Matsudo City, Resident Administration Division
TEL: 047-366-7340

>> Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

You can check the real-time status of the busy counter and the number being called on your smartphone 窓口の順番待ち状況・呼び出し状況がスマホで確認できます

To help visitors avoid crowdedness and effectively use their waiting time, the real-time information is available on how crowded some of the City Hall counters are.

Citizen’s Administration Division (Shimin-ka)

To check the status of waiting list of the Citizen’s Administration Division counter;

1. Please click the link below to access the "Citizen's Administration Division Counter Information Guide" website.

Citizen's Administration Division Counter Information Guide (external link)

2. You can also check the waiting status by scanning the QR code on your Number Ticket.

When you check-in at the Citizen's Administration Division counter, you will receive a number ticket with TWO QR codes printed on it.

By reading the QR code on the LEFT with a smartphone, you can check the current number of people on the waiting list and the reception status. This allows you to "check the congestion situation" outside of the waiting area of Citizen's Administration Division.
You can also come back to the counter after checking the numbers that have already been called. Please go to the “Issuance Counter” if you see your number in the list of “Ticket No. called at the issuance counter”.
By reading the QR code on the Right with a smartphone, you can register your email address to receive an email notification when it is almost your turn for the staff to accept your application.
(No notification will be sent for the issuance waitlist.)

Disability Welfare Division (Shogai Fukushi-ka)

  1. When you check-in at the Disability Welfare Division counter, you will receive a number ticket with a QR code printed on it.
  2. By reading the QR code with a smartphone, you can check the current number of people on the waiting list and the reception status. This allows you to check the congestion situation outside of the waiting area of Disability Welfare Division.
  3. You can also come back to the counter after confirming the "Numbers that have already been called".

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。日本語で読む

"Matsudo City Online Application System" allows administrative procedures online 「松戸市オンライン申請システム」のサービスがスタート

From October 24, 2022, "Matsudo City Online Application System" started its operation to enable easier and more convenient way to take administrative procedures.

The system is easy for users to understand, with procedures available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and a My Page function that allows users to check their progress and history, greatly improving convenience.
(The start date and availability differ depending on the procedure. Please check the latest list in the "Matsudo City Online Application System". We will add new procedures as they become available.)
Please contact the Information Policy Div., Digital Strategy Office (047-710-8810) if you have any inquiries about the procedures.


なお、各手続きに関するお問い合わせは担当課までお願いします。情報政策課 デジタル戦略担当室 (047-710-8810)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Matsudo City Online Application System / 松戸オンライン申請システム

City taxes and insurance premiums can be paid by credit card! 市税や保険料がクレジットカードで支払い可能になりました

With an internet connection, you can use your credit card to pay your municipal taxes and insurance premiums.


Thursday October 1st, 2020


  1. Municipal/Prefectural Resident Tax (normal collection), Fixed Asset Tax・City Planning Tax, Fixed Asset Tax (depreciable asset tax), Light Vehicle Tax (category-based)
  2. National Health Insurance

※System usage fees apply separately


Visit the Matsudo City Official Website, go to the page titled “Pay Matsudo Municipal Tax / National Health Insurance premiums”, and fill out the form with all the information required to pay. Please refer to the City’s homepage for more details.


  • Payment slips that are mailed along with the tax/insurance notification letter from the City Hall are needed to pay online.
  • You may not pay online for a payment that has passed its due date.
  • Payment receipts are not issued. Please pay at City Hall & branch offices, financial institutions, or convenience stores if you need a receipt.


  1. Tax Collection Div. 047-366-7325
  2. National Health Insurance and Pension Div. Insurance Fee Collection Office 047-712-0141

Starting Thursday, October 1 2020, Bank transfer services for municipal taxes and insurance premiums are now more convenient 令和2年10月1日(木曜)から各市税・保険料の口座振替サービスがさらに便利になりました

In addition to National Health Insurance premiums and nursing care insurance premiums, you can now register to pay your municipal/prefectural resident tax (normal collection), fixed asset tax・city planning tax, fixed asset tax (depreciable asset tax), light vehicle tax, and latter-stage elderly health care premiums through the Pay-easy bank transfer service (you can apply for direct deposit with your cash card).

Furthermore, two more financial institutions now support this service. The application procedure is simple ― no personal seal needed. Why don’t you give this service a try?


Chiba Bank, Mizuho Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Keiyo Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, MUFJ Bank, Chiba Kogyo Bank, Resona Bank, JP Bank, JA Toukatsu Chuou, Tokyo Bay Shinkin


After October 1st, 2020, bring your cash card of one of the applicable financial institutions above to each division in charge of your payments


  • National Health Insurance ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Div.
  • Long-term Care Insurance ⇒ Long-term Care Insurance Div.
  • Municipal/Prefectural Resident Tax (normal collection), Fixed Asset Tax・City Planning Tax, Fixed Asset Tax (depreciable asset tax), Light Vehicle Tax ⇒ Tax Collection Div.
  • Latter-stage Elderly Health Care ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Div, Latter-stage Elderly Health Care Unit

※The applicant must be the person whose name is on the said cash card.

※This procedure is not provided at the Municipal Services Center at Matsudo Station.


National Health Insurance and Pension Div. Insurance Fee Collection Office

Sewage fees can now be paid via convenience stores, etc. 下水道事業受益者負担金がコンビニ等でお支払い可能となります

Starting October 1st, 2020, sewage usage fees can be paid via convenience stores, LINE Pay and PayPay.


  • Payment slips you might currently have on hand cannot be paid at convenience stores, etc. Please contact us if you would like to request a replacement.
  • There is a limit to the amount that can be paid using each service. Convenience stores: 300,000 yen max, LINE Pay and PayPay: 49,999 yen max.
  • Receipts cannot be issued for payments made via Line Pay or PayPay.
  • For more information about payments via Line Pay and PayPay, please visit their websites.

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。LINE Pay

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。PayPay


Sewage Fee Management Div. 047-366-7394

【Closed】Emergency Assistance Benefits for Price Increases 2022 / 令和4年 電力・ガス・食料品等価格高騰緊急支援給付金

The following households, whose household finances are severely affected by the sharply rising cost essential for daily life (i.e. electricity, gas, and food, etc.), will receive a benefit of 50,000 yen per household.

【Application Deadline (extended) : Tuesday, February 28, 2023】

(1) Households exempt from resident tax → Reply required

Eligibility: Households that are residents of Matsudo City as of September 30, 2022, all of whom are exempt from resident tax for the fiscal year and who are not dependent on a taxpayer.

A confirmation letter is sent to all applicable households. To apply for the benefit, please send the confirmation letter and the required documents in the enclosed return envelope or submit them directly to the counter.

(2) Households with a sudden change in household income → Application required

Eligibility: Households that are residents of Matsudo City at the time of application and do not fall under 1) above, but had an unexpected decrease in income between January and December 2022, and the estimated annual income of all household members became the same level as that of households exempt from resident tax.

※ There are other requirements for receiving the benefits, so please refer to the designated website (Japanese) or contact the Matsudo City - Temporary Special Benefit Office for more details.

<Inquiries> Available on weekdays excl. Year-end/New Year holidays.
[For application procedures] Temporary Special Benefit Office 0120-970-735 (8:30am-5pm) Scheduled to close on March 31, 2023
[Consultation center] Matsudo City Hall, 2F Main Bldg. Large Conference Rm. (8:30am-5pm) Scheduled to close on March 31, 2023
[Details for the System] Cabinet Office 0120-526-145

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

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外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Adobe Acrobat Readerのダウンロードへ(外部サイト)


文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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