
Housing 住宅


Public Housing in Matsudo 市内の公営住宅

Municipal housing 市営住宅

Matsudo city manages public housings for people who are having problems with their housing and are available for rents that are comparatively less expensive than private sector rental housing. Tenants are selected by lottery when the number of applicants exceeds available units.

Municipal housing rents are cheaper because they are tax subsidized. For that reason, the Act on Public Housing and Matsudo’s municipal statutes place restrictions on tenancy, such as, experiencing difficulties with current housing, limits on maximum income (ex. 158,000 yen/month for year 2022), and living together with relatives, etc.

Tenant recruitment periods: 3 times a year, from the 1st to the 10th in February, June, and October
Application forms are available at the Housing Policy Planning Division office in the City Hall, branch offices, and Municipal Service Center.
Contact: Housing Policy Planning Division (8th floor of City Hall’s new building) TEL 047-366-7366

■ Details about municipal housing (Japanese)

市営住宅 - 松戸市が管理している住宅です。こちらは公営住宅ですので、住むところに困っているかたにとっては、民間賃貸住宅よりも 比較的安い家賃で入居することができます。市営住宅の家賃が安いのは、税金の補助があるためです。 その理由から、公営住宅法や松戸市の条例で、入居に際して、いまの住居での生活が困難な場合、収入の上限(例:2022年度は月15万8000円)、親族との同居などの要件を満たす必要があります。応募者多数の場合は抽選となります。

入居者募集時期:年3回、6月・10月・2月 の1日から10日まで受付

Prefectural housing 県営住宅

Chiba Prefecture Housing Supply Corporation manages housing units. These are public housing for people who are having difficulty with their housing and are available for rents that are comparatively less expensive than private sector rental housing. Tenants are selected by lottery when the number of applicants exceeds available units.
Certain conditions apply regarding tenancy, such as difficulties with current housing situation and maximum income restrictions (ex. 158,000 yen/month for year 2022), and living together with relatives, etc.

Tenant recruitment periods: Quarterly, from the 1st to the 15th in January, April, July, and October
Application forms are available at the Housing Policy Planning Division office in the City Hall, branch offices, Municipal Service Center, and Higashi Katsushika Regional Development Office.
Contact: Higashi Katsushika Regional Development Office, Chiba Prefecture Housing Supply Corporation - Prefectural Housingmanagement Dept. Recruitment Div. (5th floor of Prefectural Joint Government Building) TEL 043-222-9200

■ Details about prefectural housing (Japanese)

県営住宅 - 千葉県住宅供給公社が管理している住宅です。こちらも公営住宅ですので、住むところに困っているかたにとっては、民間賃貸住宅よりも 比較的安い家賃で入居することができます。応募者多数の場合は抽選となります。 住宅に困窮していること、収入の上限(2022年度は月15万8千円以下)、同居する親族がいること、等の要件があります。

入居者募集時期:年4回、4月・7月・10月・1月 の1日から15日まで受付

Searching for Home 住まいの探しかた

松戸市 住まいの探し方ガイドブック

This is a guidebook in four languages, Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean, for those who are considering living in Matsudo City. In particular, it provides a list of municipal housing, its location, application procedures, and other details.
Guide to Househunting (Eng. Jap. Chin. Kor.)(PDF:4,234KB)(PDF:4,234KB)

松戸市でのお住まいを検討している方に向けた、日・英・中・韓 4カ国語併記のガイドブックです。特に市営住宅の一覧や所在地、申し込み方法などの詳細をご案内しています。


Tips for Renting Apartment 住宅を借りるときに知っておきたいこと

Finding an apartment or other rental housing in Japan may involve procedures and costs not familiar in other countries or cultures.
There are many websites where you can learn about these customs unique to Japan, so please read and research carefully beforehand for your comfortable new living.
- "Things to consider when renting an apartment in Japan (external link)" Article on 'Jobs in Japan' Feb. 2021
- "Finding apartments in Japan for foreigners (external link)" Article on 'Japan Dev' Jan. 2023
- "Searching for Rentals in Japan : A Beginner's Guide (external link)" Article on 'SUUMO Rentals'
※For more information, please contact the site operator of each link.


Procedures for moving 引っ越しの手続き

Services for procedures regarding moving are provided at branch offices, as well as the Resident Administration Div. within the City Hall.
Resident Administration Division (Shimin-ka)】
387-5 Nemoto, Matsudo City, Chiba
TEL : 047-366-7340
> List of City Offices across the city / 松戸市役所と支所の一覧
> List of moving-in procedures for Matsudo City / 引っ越しの手続き一覧
Please also see the excerpt from the 'Guide to Living in Matsudo City' for more information on moving procedures.


If you have My Number Card, you can also file for moving-out, or make an appointment for your City Hall visit for move-in procedures via 'Myna Portal'.

> Flyer on online moving notification through Myna Portal / マイナポータルでの引っ越し手続き
> Myna Portal (external link) / マイナポータル

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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



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