Legal Advisory 法律相談
Free legal consultations @ City Hall 無料法律相談 @ 松戸市役所
The Public Enquiries Office offers legal consultations three times a week. Matsudo residents are able to sit down directly with a lawyer to receive confidential legal advice free of charge. Each individual is entitled to one 30 minute session every 3 months. Reservations are required.
Hours: Mon. Tues. & Thur. 13:00-17:00
※1st Mon. of the month only - 9:00-12:00
Location: Public Enquiries Office, Consultations Counter (2nd floor, accessible from the front entrance of the City Hall)
Reservations: 047-366-7319 (available 1 month-2 days before the consult)
The city can also organize an English (Mon. only) or Chinese (Mon./Thur.) interpreter to assist you during your consultation. Call the below number to book an interpreter -
Internationalization Promotion Division: 047-710-2725
日時:毎週、月曜・火曜・木曜 13時から17時 ※第1月曜:9時から12時
場所:松戸市役所本館2階 広報広聴課広聴担当室 相談コーナー
国際推進課: 047-710-2725
Japan Legal Support Centre (online, by phone, in person) 日本司法支援センター 「法テラス」
The JLSC was established as the central organization to provide free legal assistance to citizens, based on the goal of "realizing a society where legal information and services are accessible anywhere in the country". They have offices based all across the country, and also offer phone consultations in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Tagalog.
TEL: 057-007-8377
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00-17:00
More information can be found on the JLSC website.
TEL: 057-007-8377
相談日時: 月曜から金曜 9時から17時
Are your working conditions fair? 労働条件に関するトラブルで困っていませんか?
If you work in Japan, you are protected by Japanese labor law. If you have problems with wage payments, unfair dismissal or other employment-related issues, you can find information and advice at your nearest Labor Bureau. Download the following guidebook to learn more about your rights, and for Labour Bureau contact details -
Korean 韓国語(2018ver.)(PDF:7,348KB)
Immigration enquiries (visas, change of circumstances, etc.) 入国に関する問い合わせ(ビザの手続き、事情の変更など)
Comprehensive information regarding immigration procedures can be found of the Immigration Service Agancy of Japan website. This website is available in 14 languages including Japanese, English, and Chinese.
The Immigration Service Agency of Japan also operates a number of regional Immigration Services Bureau that you can call for general information, and an email service to make enquiries online. They also have “one-stop” information centers across the country where they offer multilingual advice on a variety of issues, not just those related to immigration.
Visit the Information Centers page of their website for full details.
'Divorce without consent' and child custody 「合意なし離婚」と子どもの親権
The process of getting divorced is different in Japan than in most other countries. While it is an uncommon occurence, it is possible to be divorced without your knowledge or prior consent.
Divorce ('rikon') is legally recognized simply upon submission of divorce documents. Sole custody of your children may also be decided on the basis of the divorce documentation and without consideration of a court, and once the document is accepted, it is extremely difficult to achieve a change in custody via the court system.
Even if your signature on the divorce application was forged, the government may unknowingly accept the documentation and the divorce will take effect. However, a “Rikon Fujyuri Moushidesho” form can be submitted to the city hall to avoid being divorced without your prior agreement.
For full details regarding divorce procedures and to download the necessary paperwork, visit the Rikon Alert website (available in 11 languages).
離婚届のサインが本物ではなくても、役所は知らないうちに受けつけてしまう可能性があります。しかし、知らない間に離婚されないようにするには、役所に「離婚不受理申出書」を出すことができます。書類をダウンロードするには、また離婚制度について詳しくは、Rikon Alertというウェブサイトをご覧ください(11ヵ国語で翻訳されています)。
For parents wanting to bring children living overseas back to Japan, or see them 海外にいるお子さんを連れ戻したい/会いたい方へ
Have your children been taken to a foreign country? Have you been kept from seeing your children living overseas?* If you have any of these problems, please contact the Hague Convention Division. Download the following brochure to find out how.
*In the case that your child has been taken to Japan from abroad, you may also apply for our assistance. For more details, please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Hague Convention Division brochure(PDF:1,439KB)
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