Public Facilities 市内の施設
City Hall & District Branch Locations / 松戸市役所・支所
Matsudo Branch Office for Immigration Bureau / 東京出入国在留管理局の松戸出張所
Announcement: Opening of the Matsudo Branch Office for Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
On October 3, 2022, Matsudo Branch Office for Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau has newly opened for the foreign residents living in Chiba and Ibaraki Prefecture.
Location: 8F Kite Mite Matsudo, 1307-1 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba 271-0092
Phone Number: 047-701-5472
Opening hours: 9am to 4pm (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Services: Residence-related applications, applications for certificates of eligibility
Area of jurisdiction: Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures
※There is no dedicated parking lot or parking fee support, so please consider using a public transportation.
所在地: 〒271-0092 千葉県松戸市松戸1307-1 キテミテマッド8階
電話番号: 047-701-5472
窓口受付時間: 9時から16時まで(土日祝日を除く)
取扱業務: 在留関係諸申請、在留資格認定証明書交付申請
対象: 千葉県及び茨城県在住の外国籍県民
Wanagaya Sports Centre / 和名ヶ谷スポーツセンター
About Wanagaya Sports Centre
The Wanagaya Sports Center is a public health and wellness facility in Matsudo City, complete with swimming pools, multipurpose halls, a fitness gym and a Japanese bath, etc.
Wanagaya Sports Center, Eng. guidebook(PDF:2,393KB)
Matsudo City's Coordinator of International Relations Erin paid a visit to the Center in late 2016. Read about her impressions of their facilities by clicking here.
Heated swimming pool page (Japanese)
Training Room
Heated Swimming Pool
Municipal outdoor swimming pools, summer operating hours / 屋外市営プールの夏季営業期間
There are several municipally-operated outdoor swimming pools that are open during the summer months, as follows -
■ Operating period: July 1st - August 31st
※Please see further down on this page for the hours of operation and other details.
- Matsudo Athletics Park Pool
Address: Kamihongo 4434
TEL: 047-363-9554 (pool office)
Parking: 187 spaces
Athletics Park 50m pool
Athletics Park children's pool
- Shinmatsudo Pool
Address: Shinmatsudo Minami 2-3
TEL: 047-309-3000
Parking: None (bicycle parking available)
Shinmatsudo 50m pool
Shinmatsudo children's pool
- Tobu Sports Park Pool
Address: Takatsuka-shinden 427
TEL: 047-391-0944
Parking: Available
Tobu Sports Park 25m pool
Tobu Sports Park children's pool
■ Pool sessions
Entry to the pool is for two hours at a time, divided into three available sessions daily.
- First session: 9am-11am
- Second session: Noon -2pm
- Third session: 3pm-5pm
■ Entry fee
Adult: 200 yen
Middle-school age and below: FREE
※The entry fee covers one 2-hour session
■ Please abide by the following rules when using the municipal outdoor swimming pools -
- Please refrain from using the pool if you suffer from a communicable disease
- All young children need to be accompanied by a guardian, at a ratio of 1 to 1. Children who are not yet toilet-trained are unable to use the pool (the use of swimming diapers is also prohibited)
- The use of the 50m pool is limited to patrons 10 years and older. Younger children must be accompanied by a guardian
- The use of flotation devices is limited to the children's pool
- All patrons must wear a swimsuit (swimming in one's underwear is not permitted)
- Glass bottles and aluminium cans are not to be brought into the pool grounds (PET bottles and other drink bottles are permitted)
- The use of goggles within the pool should be limited to swimming goggles
- No jumping into the pool
- The use of sun oils is prohibited
- Please remove all watches, earrings and other jewellery before entering the pool
- Please do not bring any food into the pool grounds
- Smoking is prohibited within the pool grounds
日本語で読む Further information about the municipal swimming facilities (Japanese only)
Matsudo City Municipal Libraries / 松戸市立図書館
Information in English about how to utilise Matsudo City's public library services can be found at the following webpage -
Library User Guide and locations
Mirai Bunko (evening classes at junior high school) / みらい分校(夜間中学)
Please see "Education" page for the detail
“Matsudo Daiichi Junior High School - Mirai Bunko” is the first night junior high school ('Yakan Chigaku') to open in Matsudo since the enforcement of Act to Guarantee Access to Supplementary Learning. (“Mirai Bunko” roughly translates to “The future branch school”). Those who wish to enroll in, please contact us after reading the following information.
About Mirai Bunko
Mirai Bunko is a public night junior high school.
- Classes are held 5 days a week, approximately 200 days a year
- Students will study junior high school’s curriculum
- Certified teacher will teach the classes
- You can obtain a diploma if you study hard enough
- There’s no charge for the classes
Who can enroll in Mirai Bunko?
Those who satisfy all following conditions and are approved by the Matsudo City Board of Education are eligible to enroll in Mirai Bunko.
1. Aged over 15, and passed the age set for receiving compulsory education
2. Lives in Matsudo City
※ If your residence is at another city in Chiba prefecture other than Matsudo, you need to acquire “Fukushin-sho” (the permission) from your city.
3. Has not graduated junior high school, or wishes to re-study for some reason such as absenteeism, etc.
4. Does not have a problem with the Mirai Bunko’s time schedule and learning
A day at Mirai Bunko
5:20 pm to 5:25 pm | Homeroom activities |
5:30 pm to 6:10 pm | First period |
6:15 pm to 6:55 pm | Second period |
6:55 pm to 7:15 pm | Break |
7:15 pm to 7:55 pm | Third period |
8:00 pm to 8:40 pm | Fourth period |
8:40 pm to 8:45 pm | Cleaning and homeroom activities |
Mirai Bunko’s Address
Kogasaki 1-3073, Matsudo (the former Kogasaki Minami Elementary School)
Map of surrounding area
Photograph of the school building 1
Photograph of the school building 2
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