Here comes Erin! January 2017 Issue
Winter wellness in Matsudo
The winter weather has momentarily got the better of me. My bike is wrapped in cobwebs and my running shoes have gathered dust. Good thing I know the perfect place to get moving again!
The Wanagaya Sports Center (WSC) is a comprehensive wellness facility based in southern Matsudo. Open to the public, the center offers heated swimming pools, gymnasiums, a weight training room, a public bath, and multi-purpose spaces. There is even a library on site! It’s the ideal cold-weather escape, minus the winter laziness.
To improve accessibility for foreign patrons, the WSC team and I put together an English guidebook of their facilities last October. Visit the “For Foreign Residents” section of this website to download the guide and to learn more about access and pricing.
29年1月15日号: エリンが行くどこでもマツド!
Outside the Wanagaya Sports Center
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