Here comes Erin! June 2017 Issue
Planting the seed of friendship
On the 12th of May we celebrated 46 years of friendship with our Australian sister city, the City of Whitehorse. The anniversary is commemorated every year with ‘Green Tree Day’ - a tree planting event held simultaneously in both cities, followed by a video conference between city officials and local students.
This year, a Bottlebrush tree was planted at Hokubu Elementary School by Mayor Hongoya, Assembly Chairman Miyama and two Hokubu students. In Whitehorse, a Keyaki tree was planted alongside the iconic Box Hill Town Hall. The subsequent video conference gave six lucky Grade 6ers the chance to ask Cr. Stennett of the Whitehorse City Council and Consular General Matsunaga of the Japanese Consulate in Melbourne a question about Whitehorse in English. Despite having to ask their questions in front of their peers and other visitors, the students’ were confident and composed.
What a positive way to reaffirm the sister city friendship! If you would like to learn more about the City of Whitehorse, please visit the Sister City page.
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