Here comes Erin! September 2017 Issue
Expanding the team
Keeping step with Matsudo’s rapid internationalisation, our international team has recently gained a brand new member. It is with great pleasure that I introduce Ms. Ha Ngan Le - Matsudo’s second Coordinator of International Relations. Yes, now we are two!
Ha hails from the city of Hanoi in Northern Vietnam. Prior to taking up the CIR position she was working in recruitment in her homeland, liaising directly with Japanese companies. While in Matsudo she hopes to build bridges between the city and our ever-expanding Vietnamese community, and to spread the word about Vietnamese culture. In her free time Ha enjoys cooking Vietnamese cuisine - a skill I very much look forward to taking advantage of soon!
I am excited to share all that I have learnt about Matsudo with Ha and to work together to expand the many international initiatives that are currently in place. I hope that you too will make her feel welcome.
Click here to read Ha’s full profile.
29年9月15日号: エリンが行くどこでもマツド!
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