
Here comes Erin! December 2016 Issue


Have you met Purin?

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down for a coffee with visiting Thai-American artist Mr. Purin Phanichpant (pictured below). Purin has been in Matsudo for close to 2 and a half months on the PARADISE AIR Long Stay Program, a wildly competitive artist in residence program based out of Central Matsudo. His residency project is an interactive design piece revolving around the local community’s attitudes towards global warming.

As can be expected, the Matsudo community has been keeping Purin busy! He spoke warmly of the many workshops and guest lectures that have enabled him to meet with locals and invite them into his brainstorming and prototyping process. I won’t go spoiling the surprise, however if you like interactive art and emojis, you are definitely going to want to experience Purin’s residency project!

Purin’s final exhibition is open from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of December, at the Matsudo ‘Bunka Hall’. Visit the Paradise Air website for more details.


先日、松戸に滞在中のタイ系アメリカ人アーティスト、プリン・パニチュパンさんと一緒にコーヒーを飲む機会がありました。松戸を拠点とするアーティスト・イン・レジデンス『 PARADISE AIRパラダイス・エア』が実施するロングステイ・プログラムの狭き門をくぐって来松し、もうすぐ2ヶ月半がたちます。彼のロングステイ・プロジェクトは、松戸市民の地球温暖化に対する意識を中心に発展させた、鑑賞者参加型のデザイン作品です。


プリンさんの最終展示会は12月16日(金曜)~18日(日曜)に松戸文化ホールで開かれます。詳しくはPARADISE AIR のHPをご覧ください。

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