Here comes Erin! August 2016 Issue
Matsudo now comes with a Latin twist
I recently accompanied a delegation of Matsudo City officials on a trip to the Dominican Republic. The ‘DR’ is a small nation located in the Caribbean region, most well-known for its world-class baseball players. The Dominican capital, Santo Domingo, is nestled right on the Caribbean Sea. Its colonial architecture, bustling traffic and latin soundtrack still lingers in my memory!
One of the main purposes of the trip was to meet with various Dominican sporting bodies and invite them to make Matsudo City their 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic ‘home’. We were warmly received, and have returned to Matsudo not only with signed Olympic memorandums, but also with an abundance of good will for the Dominican people and culture. It was a pleasure to watch Matsudo City take the first step towards this new international partnership.
Keep your eyes peeled for many exchanges with the DR in the near future!
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