Here comes Erin! August 2017 Issue
Local tourism’s new home
The 1st of July was a proud day for the Matsudo Tourism Association. After many months of preparation and with much fanfare, their new home - the brand new Tourism Information Center - finally opened its doors to the public. The space is just a 2 minute walk from Matsudo Station’s west exit and is decorated with bright purple flags. I am particularly pleased to tell you that their signage is Jap-Eng bilingual, and that they also stock a variety of multilingual pamphlets about the area. Excellent!
I was curious to learn more about their approach to international visitors, so I dropped in again recently (see below). The Center itself is manned by cheerful staff in purple t-shirts, several of whom speak foreign languages. They are, of course, willing and ready to put their skills to use in the name of local tourism! In more general terms, the Matsudo City Tourism Association is proactive about expanding their reach - they have strong ties with the city’s international team, and are welcoming of internationally-oriented local businesses. As we like to say, the more the merrier in Matsudo!
To learn more about the new Tourism Information Center, visit the 'Getting to know Matsudo' page.
29年8月15日号: エリンが行くどこでもマツド!
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