Here comes Erin! September 2016 Issue
Making the most of the Matsudo summer
This summer season aligns with my ‘Japan-niversary’ - the 12 month mark since I moved to Japan and began working as Matsudo’s Coordinator of International Relations. It has been a pleasure to play a role in Matsudo’s many international initiatives, and to broaden city promotion efforts into English. May this next year be equally as jam-packed!
After experiencing the full city calendar, I can safely say that summer is my favourite time to get out and about in Matsudo. I have enjoyed a cold beer at the Yagiri Beer Festival, been wowed by the fireworks over Edogawa River, devoured corn on the cob at the Sakagawa Lantern Festival, and even listened to live music during ‘Anywhere Theatre’ in Matsudo’s Forest & Park for the 21st Century. And that was just in August!
There is so much more to see and experience. For information about what is on the horizon, take a look at the Upcoming Events page.
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