Here comes Erin! October 2017 Issue
Looking abroad for fresh ideas
The international team and I are proud of Matsudo’s growing diversity. In an effort to strengthen support services for our international community, we are now working with our sister-city counterparts in the City of Whitehorse on a new ‘Staff Study Tour’ program. Taking into consideration that over 30 percent of Whitehorse’s residents were born overseas (ten times greater than the proportion of foreign residents in Matsudo), there is much to learn from our Australian friends.
From the Matsudo City staff that applied, one lucky member has been selected to travel to Whitehorse for two weeks of practical learning in February. They will work with the Whitehorse Community Development team, meet with external service providers, and also tour local volunteer organisations. Upon their return to Matsudo, they will share with us what they have learnt and provide fresh insights into how we can better advocate for foreign residents. The selected staff member has a keen interest in multilingual services and boasts excellent English language skills.
More details about their activities, coming soon!
29年10月15日号: エリンが行くどこでもマツド!
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