Here comes Erin! May 2017 Issue
Support for foreign parents
I recently had the pleasure of visiting ‘Hot Room Shin-Matsudo’ - a public play space located a short walk from JR Shin-Matsudo Station. The space enables parents to meet like-minded people, exchange information, and to ask questions of the expert staff, all while their children happily play with the many toys on offer. To my delight, they also hold a monthly play session specifically for foreign parents and their young children.
I was surprised to find that the Foreign Parents’ Session is equally as popular amongst Japanese parents - some have foreign spouses, some have lived overseas in the past, while others are simply interested in foreign cultures. But regardless of personal background, everyone I met expressed the same desire to support and encourage Matsudo’s foreign parents.
The ‘Hot Room Shin-Matsudo’ holds the Foreign Parents' Session from 10:30am on the 4th Thursday of every month. For more information, visit the ‘For Foreign Residents’ link, and click on 'Children & Family'.
29年5月15日号: エリンが行くどこでもマツド!
先日、私はJR新松戸駅から少し歩いてすぐの所にある、親子ふれあい広場 「ほっとるーむ新松戸」を訪れました。ここは、乳幼児が自由におもちゃで遊んでいる間、親同士が友達づくりや情報交換をしたり、専門スタッフに育児相談などができる公共の施設です。ここで月1回、「海外から来たママとパパの広場」という特別な集まりが開かれていると聞いて、私はうれしくなりました。
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