Here comes Ha! March 2019 Issue
Devils out, fortunes in!
Have you ever heard about “Setsubun” in Japan? “Setsubun” is celebrated yearly on February 3rd and accompanied by a special ritual called ‘mamemaki’ (bean throwing) to cleanse away the bad spirits and bring in good fortunes.
This year’s “Setsubun” was on Sunday and right before Vietnamese Lunar New Year, so I decided to go to Matsudo Shrine and celebrate these days with local people. When I came to the Shrine, there were already a lot of people getting together to wait for the start of the mamemaki ritual. After the Head Priest of the shrine shouted “Fuku wa uchi, oni wa soto!” (Devils out, fortunes in), a lot of roasted beans, mochi, sweets and candies were thrown. The crowd would catch those things with excitement. I had never seen such an interesting scene!
Whether you are a tourist or a long term resident in Japan, I highly recommend you attend local festivals to feel such rich Japanese culture so vividly. I believe you would have an unforgetable memory in this beautiful country.
31年3月15日号: この頃は、ハッ!
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