Here comes Ha! September 2018 Issue
Watching fireworks with a new friend
This year the Matsudo Fireworks Festival marked one year since I came to Matsudo. Although this city has become a part of my life, I could not help but get excited to discover more and share my experience with foreign friends. I hope my second year here will be as stunning as this year’s fireworks.
Continuing with the great news from international team, we would like to introduce Mr. Javier Gutierrez - Matsudo’s new Coordinator of International Relations. Javier was born and raised in the city of Torrance, California, US. He comes to Matsudo hoping to participate in a lot of international and cultural exchange events with Matsudo’s citizens, where his public speaking skill and the ability to bring people together can be put to good use. In his free time, Javier enjoys cycling, hiking and walking. I’m sure that he soon can find for himself a place in Matsudo for these outdoor hobbies.
A new friend is a door to a new world. I am excited to learn more from Javier’s experiences, understands his sense of values and work together making Matsudo a more foreigner-friendly city. Let’s do it!
30年9月15日号: この頃は、ハッ!
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