Here comes Ha! September 2020 Issue
Ralph’s Time Capsules: Gifts for Us All
Ralph Lumbres is an artist who has changed the way I see art. A Filipino native, Ralph was invited as an artist-in-residence to PARADISE AIR under the “Matsudo QOL Award”. To that end, he introduced to me his project to collect the thoughts and experiences of present-day Matsudo residents living through the coronavirus pandemic to preserve them within time capsules. Ralph will put them all in time capsules and actually bury them underground; he plans to unearth the capsules ten years later. I was also interviewed for this project.
To someone like me who was only familiar with art in the forms of videos, images, and installations, Ralph’s unique project broadened my artistic horizons. Thanks to him, I was completely convinced of the potential of human thoughts themselves to serve as a medium of limitless artistic expression. Thank you very much. I look forward to perhaps meeting again in Matsudo in 2030, and opening these time capsules together.
令和2年9月15日号: この頃は、ハッ!
ラルフさん(右)のプロジェクトが順調に進みますように! I wish all the best for Ralph (right)’s time capsule project!
Ralph Lumbres (ラルフ・ルムブレス)さんは、私のアートの見方を変えてくれました。彼は、PARADISE AIRで行われたMATSUDO “QOL” AWARDに選出されたフィリピン出身のアーティストです。松戸市民にインタビューをして、コロナ禍での思いや体験をタイムカプセルに入れて、10年後に掘り起こすというプロジェクトを考えており、私も先日インタビューを受けました。彼の独特なアートの作り方が、私の知らないアートの世界観を教えてくれました。
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