
Health-related Resources 医療・健康情報


Information on COVID-19


Guidebook for when you are feeling ill 具合が悪くなったときに役立つガイドブック

How do I go to the doctor? Multilingual health portal 医療機関の利用ガイド(ウェブサイト)

The Japanese National Tourism Association have created a website to help foreign residents and visitors to receive medical care in Japan. Please save it to your bookmarks list for your future reference.

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。JNTO Health Portal


外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。JNTOの医療機関ガイド (HP)

Multilingual telephone helpline AMDA国際医療情報センター

The AMDA International Medical Information Centre runs a multilingual phone support service. They handle enquiries regarding medical facilities that offer services in multiple languages. They are also able to explain the Japanese Health Care System.

AMDA telephone help line: 03-5285-8088

  • English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish DAILY 9:00-20:00
  • Portuguese MON, WED, FRI 9:00-17:00
  • Filipino WED 13:00-17:00
  • Vietnamese THUR 13:00-17:00

Furthermore, their website offers excellent resources in multiple languages. These are designed to help foreign residents and visitors in Japan to receive medical care and/or to maintain their health, without the confusion caused by language barriers and different customs. Each document is available as a PDF.



  • 英語、タイ語、中国語、韓国語、スペイン語 毎日 9時から20時
  • ポルトガル語 月曜、水曜、金曜 9時から17時
  • フィリピノ語 水曜 13時から17時
  • ベトナム語 木曜 13時から17時


Hospitals/Clinics in Matsudo with multilingual websites 多言語ウェブサイトがある市内の病院・クリニック

There are several hospitals and large health clinics in Matsudo that have multilingual websites, as follows -

  • Shin-Tokyo Clinic (Nemoto 473-1, 1 min walk from Matsudo Station)
  • Shin-Tokyo Heart Clinic (Nemoto 474-1, 1 min walk from Matsudo Station)
  • Shin-Tokyo Hospital (Wanagaya 1271)


  • 新東京クリニック(根本473の1、松戸駅から徒歩1分)
  • 新東京ハートクリニック(根本474の1、松戸駅から徒歩1分)
  • 新東京病院(和名ヶ谷1271)
  • 千葉西総合病院(金ヶ作107の1)
    中国語 (トップページの一番下に表示されています)

Complete list of medical clinics in Matsudo (by district) 松戸医療機関ガイド(地区別)

Guide to Medical Services

Guide to National Health Insurance (multilingual) 国民健康保険の多言語ガイドブック

Expansion of National Health Insurance System from Apr. 2018 平成30年度から国民健康保険制度が変わりました

From the fiscal year 2018, National Health Insurance qualifications will be managed by the prefecture instead of a municipality.

Therefore from April 2018, relocation to another municipality within Chiba prefecture does not require procedures to modify/re-apply for National Health Insurance. (Insurance qualification procedures are necessary when moving outside of Chiba prefecture.)

For more information, please refer to below files (Available in English・Chinese・Vietnamese).


Support for Overseas Medical Expenses / 海外療養費について

If you receive unavoidable medical treatment at a medical institution abroad for an illness or injury that occurred while you were travelling, you may be able to claim back some of the medical expenses you paid on your return home.

> Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Things to consider when applying for Overseas Medical Expenses Support

  • The Overseas Medical Expense Support is a system whereby residents of Japan can apply for the fund when they travel abroad for a short period of time and experience a sudden illness or other medical condition. It is not intended for people staying abroad for a long period of time. If you have travelled abroad for the purpose of medical treatment, you will not be entitled to payment.
  • The application period is two years from the day after the date on which you paid the medical expenses.
  • As the application will be assessed for eligibility and calculation, it may take up to four months for the reimbursement to be deposited. Depending on the outcome of the review, it may take longer, you may be asked to resubmit documentation, or you may not receive payment.
  • Payment is limited to treatment that is recognized as covered treatment in Japan. Also, the amount paid will be determined by a review based on similar treatment in Japan and may be less than the actual amount paid.

Application Procedure

■ Where to Apply

Matsudo City Hall, 1F, Main Bldg.

National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Insurance Benefits Office)

Applications cannot be accepted at other counters or by mail.

Claim must be made in person by the person who received the medical treatment.

■ What to bring

One set of application documents is required per person, per month and per medical institution.

Please clip or attach the following documents to each case.

1. ‘Attending Physician’s Statement’ and ‘Itemized Receipt
  • Please ask the medical institution where you received your medical care to complete the form. (It is advisable to download the form before travelling and take it with you abroad, just in case.) If, after checking the documents, there are any inaccuracies in the information, you will need to ask the same medical institution to correct them.
  • Those who have had dental treatment, use the ‘Itemized Receipt (Dental)’.
  • One ‘Attending Physician’s Statement’ and ‘Itemized Receipt’ are required per person per month and per medical institution. (Even at the same medical institution, one copy is required for hospitalization and outpatient care separately.)
  • For the item #2 (name of illness/injury) on ‘Attending Physician’s Statement’ form, please refer to the ‘Table of International Classification of Diseases for the use of National Health Insurance’.
2. Japanese translations of the 'Attending Physician’s Statement' and 'Itemized Receipt' in (1) above
3. Original copies of receipts for medical expenses paid, and their Japanese translations

Japanese translations of above (2) and (3) should be translated entirety, not partially.

4. Passport (original) of the person who has received medical treatment

This is necessary to confirm the period of travel. If your passport does not have all the entry and exit stamps from Japan to the country where you received medical treatment and from that country to Japan, please bring proof of travel, such as a boarding pass stub.

5. Seals (Hanko) of the head of the household and of the person who has received medical treatment
6. Documents indicating the bank account of the head of the household
7. National Health Insurance Card of the person who has received medical treatment
8. ‘Application for Medical Expense Benefit

One ‘Application’ is required per person per month and per medical institution. (Even at the same medical institution, one copy is required for hospitalization and outpatient care separately.)

9. Form of consent for the examination of the medical content (to be completed by the patient at the counter).

File Downloads

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PDF形式のファイルを開くには、Adobe Acrobat Reader DC(旧Adobe Reader)が必要です。

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (新規ウインドウで開きます。)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Adobe Acrobat Reader DCのダウンロードへ(外部サイト)


文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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