
Learning Japanese 日本語学習の支援


Japanese classes for adults offered by the Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo City / 松戸市日本語ボランティア会が提供する 日本語教室

The Association of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo City conducts Japanese language classes to support foreigners residing in or near Matsudo City. Please visit their website (link below) for further information and for the updated class timetable.

Subject age

Over 15 years old (residents, students or workes in Matsudo)
Classes are run from Mon-Fri and on Sundays with the support of the Matsudo International Exchange Association (MIEA).

Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo City

(Photo from the Assoc. of Jap. Language Teachers in Matsudo homepage)

松戸市日本語ボランティア会は、火曜日から金曜日までと日曜日の週5日間、日本語教室を開催しています。 日本語教室は、公益財団法人 松戸市国際交流協会(略称:MIEA)との共催により運営されています。



The 3rd Term FY2024 Japanese Class for Beginners / 2024年度第3期 初級日本語教室

Application for the 3rd term FY 2024 opens from 9:00am, Tuesday, 10 December.
・Class fee:1000 yen per term
・Open to MIEA Members who are 15 years or older.
・Membership fee: 1000 yen (FY2024: Apr.2024-Mar.2025)
・Classrooms: "Kokusai Yuko Room"
4F Matsudo Bldg., 1307-1 Matsudo
(5-min.-walk from Matsudo Sta. West exit, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank and Docomo shop on the 1F “Hello Work” is on the 3rd floor of the same building.)
Apply from the Matsudo International Exchange Associatin website

2024 年度(ねんど)3 学期(がっき)申込(もうしこ)みを、12(がつ)10日(とおか)()曜日(ようび))9:00から ()()けます。
対象(たいしょう):2009(ねん)4(がつ) 1日(ついたち) 以前(いぜん)()まれた(かた)
教室(きょうしつ)場所(ばしょ)国際(こくさい) 友好(ゆうこう)ルーム
  松戸市(まつどし) 松戸(まつど) 1307-1
  松戸(まつど)ビルヂング4 (かい) 文化(ぶんか) ホール(ほーる) (ない)


Educational Support for Children from Overseas (ESCO) / 認定NPO法人 外国人の子供のための勉強会

ESCO supports children from overseas who study at local schools within Matsudo City. They aim to contribute to the public interest by supporting these children in Japanese language and other studies, enabling them to achieve true independence.

Subject age

elementary and junio high school students who live or study in Matsudo

Their activities are divided into three.

  1. Regular Class
  2. Intensive Class
  3. Special Events

Please visit the ESCO website for more information and to enquire about enrolment.
Education Support for Children from Overseas (ESCO)




JICE's Japanese Language classes for work / 仕事のための日本語

Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) has been commissioned to implement the “Japanese Language Classes for Work” as part of the Training Course for Promoting Stable Employment of Foreign Residents by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The course is intended for foreign residents to promote their stable employment and retention in Japan through an improvement of their Japanese language skills.

Pamphlet (Japanese) for “Japanese Language Classes for Work”】

JICE provides these vocational training courses for foreign residents throughout the year. Please check-in their website for the up-to-date information about their courses.

Course Recruitment

Classes held at venues
Online courses
Please refer to the "Guide to face-to-face and online courses" for more information about each type of course.


For more details

Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) HP / 一般財団法人日本国際協力センターホームページ

Nursing Care Japanese Language Class / 外国人のための介護のやさしい日本語

What kind of words are used in nursing care?

The course will cover the basic language necessary in nursing care (terminology), Kanji characters, and how to communicate with the users.

  • Date and Time: Every 1st and 3rd Thursdays from July 4, 2024 to February 2, 2025
    10:10 am - 12:10 pm (Except for Jan. 2)
  • Location: Yuko Room (4F Matsudo Bldg. 1307-1 Matsudo, Matsudo City)
  • Target: Foreign nationals who are interested in nursing care job, or who are currently working in nursing care and have concerns about kanji spelling and communication.
  • Capacity: 10 people (first-come, first-served)
  • Fees: Tuition is free. Annual MIEA membership fee 1,000 yen and textbook fee apply separately.

Application and Inquiries

Assoc. of Japanese Language Volunteers in Matsudo City (Attn. Fujisawa)
Call 080-5379-6017

> Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Websites to learn Japanese / 日本語を勉強できるウェブサイト

If you want to learn Japanese on your own in your spare time and master conversation, grammar, hiragana, katakana, kanji, Japanese culture, etc., make effective use of the following free Japanese study sites.

勉強(べんきょう)を はじめたい(ひと)に おすすめです。

  • つながる ひろがる にほんごでの くらし

Connect and Enhance Your Life in Japanese

(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

This site suggests watching videos to learn Japanese. 135 clips of 49 scenes have been prepared. All the scenes are taken from video clips of life scenes that last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and by watching the videos you can learn the expressions and phrases used in the scene.

  • いろどり ~生活(せいかつ)日本語(にほんご)~
IRODORI -Japanese for Life in Japan-
(Japan Foudation Japanese-Language Institute)

This site provides a textbook for foreigners who intend to work/live in Japan, edited and published by the Japan Foundation. Not only you can learn practical expressions from everyday life through this textbook, you can also download the audio and study online courses for free!

  • エリンが挑戦(ちょうせん)!にほんごできます。
Erin's challenge! I can speak Japanese.
(Japan Foudation Japanese-Language Institute)

The site offers short videos of daily conversation at school and in daily life in Japan. The site has a wide variety of learning materials and Youtube contents, and is especially recommended for students.

  • まるごと 日本語(にほんご)オンラインコース
Marugoto Japanese Online Course
(Japan Foundation)

Marugoto refers to the textbook, "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture" and its online course, developed by the Japan Foundation and based on the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education.
Using the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education, you will be able to know your proficiency level of Japanese by what and how much you can do.
https://words.marugotoweb.jp/top.php (Words and phrase search site)
https://marugotoweb.jp/en/ (Online version of the course book)

  • NIHONGO e-Na(いーな), Portal for Learning Japanese
(Japan Foundation)

This is a site aimed at absolute beginners in Japanese, i.e. those who have never studied Japanese before or are just starting out. It introduces useful websites, online tools and ideas for Japanese learners.

  • JFにほんごeラーニング(いーらーにんぐ) みなと
JF Japanese e-Learning Minato
(Japan Foundation)

A Japanese language learning platform where you can learn Japanese online and communicate with your peers around the world. Minato" offers a wide range of courses.

  • Learn Japanese
(NHK World - Japan)

NHK offers a variety of short video clips, as well as travel tips and beginner kanji for you to learn Japanese. The videos each contain a different scenario, and offer subtitles in a multitude of languages. There are subtitles, so you can easily check all the words you don’t know.

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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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