Lan, tell us about your cultural experiences! April 2022 Issue
Similarity between the Vietnamese and Japanese languages
In one of my previous articles, I talked about the difficulty of the Japanese language but surprisingly, there are some similarities between Vietnamese and Japanese. This is because many Vietnamese words have Chinese origins. Before romanization became popular in the latter half of the 19th century, Chinese characters were the main writing system in Vietnam. Even now, its influence still remains, as 60~70% of Vietnamese vocabulary is Sino-Vietnamese. In addition, many Sino-Vietnamese words are similar in pronunciation and meaning to those in Japanese, so you can’t help but feel the familiarity when learning Japanese. For example, “chú ý” (caution), “liên lạc” (contact), “lịch sử” (history) are words that have similar pronunciation and meaning as in Japanese. Vietnamese and Japanese look completely different, but they feel very familiar due to the influence of Chinese characters on both.
漢字の看板があるお寺 Chinese-character-sign on a pagoda
以前、日本語の難しさについて話しましたが、ベトナム語と日本語は意外と似ている所があります。なぜなら、ベトナム語も漢字由来だからです。ローマ字表記が普及する19世紀後半まで、ベトナム人はずっと漢字を使っていました。現在でも、その影響が強く、「漢越語」と呼ばれる漢字由来の言葉がベトナム語の単語の6~7割を占めています。また、漢越語には、発音と意味が日本語と似ている言葉がたくさんあり、日本語を学ぶ際、親近感を感じずにはいられません。例えば、発音と意味が似ている言葉として、「chu y」は「注意」、「lien lac」は「連絡」、「lich su」は「歴史」などがあります。