
「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! October 2024


Stories Behind America's Greatest Songs (MIEA World Tour)


On September 1st at Matsudo Bunka Hall, as part of an introduction to American culture with the MIEA World Tour series, I gave a lecture called “Stories Behind America’s Greatest Songs.”

I have known since I was young that the English word “karaoke” comes from Japan, but after coming to live in Japan I realized that this country’s love for getting together to sing classic and trending songs was beyond even what I had expected.

Even more surprisingly, many of the people here who love karaoke can be seen singing their hearts out to famous American songs while having all of the lyrics memorized. I wanted provide a way for people like that to deepen their appreciation for their favorite American songs by learning what the lyrics of those songs mean, and why the songs were created, so I decided to hold a lecture in Matsudo City about the stories behind famous American songs.

The first song I talked about during my lecture was “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson, and among fans there are differing views as to whether Michael Jackson’s stalker known as Billie Jean in the song actually existed or not. It is not known for sure if this person did exist or it was simply a character created by Michael Jackson that was inspired by some of the troublesome fans that his older brothers dealt with during their run as the “Jackson 5.” But whatever the case was, at the time Michael Jackson had a near-obsessive dedication to the production of the song, and his strong feelings about the dangers that come with fame were reflected in the lyrics. I also talked about the song “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper, which is a song that expresses the right that all women have to have a fun time with their friends, but beneath that message I explained how Lauper made the song with the intention that it would make a real impact on the women’s rights movement.

Outside of those two songs, I also talked about the backstories of “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver, and “Star Spangled Banner,” the United States National Anthem. I believe that taking the time to learn about the stories that surround these famous songs can greatly enhance one’s appreciation and enjoyment of them. Future “MIEA World Tour” events will be announced on the website and social media pages of MIEA (Matsudo International Exchange Association), so feel free to participate!






例えば、最初に語ったマイケル・ジャクソンの「Billie Jean」という名曲では、マイケル・ジャクソンのストーカーであるBillie Jeanという人物について書かれていますが、実際にその人物が存在していたかどうかについては賛否両論があります。実際に存在していた場合でも、一方でジャクソン5という歌手グループに属するマイケル・ジャクソンの兄弟に関わっていた迷惑なファンに影響されてBillie Jeanという人物を作り上げた場合でも、マイケル・ジャクソンは当時、曲の作成に大変夢中になり、有名になるとともに感じる恐怖感について抱いていた強い思いが歌詞に表れていました。また、シンディ・ローパーの「Girls Just Want To Have Fun」という曲について語り、すべての女性は友人と楽しい時間を過ごす権利があることを宣言する曲ですが、そのメッセージの裏にはローパー自身が実際に女性の権利運動に影響を与えたいと考えていた意図があることを説明しました。

上記の2曲以外にも、バックストリート・ボーイズの「I Want It That Way」、ジョン・デンバーの「Take Me Home, Country Roads」、アメリカ国歌である「Star Spangled Banner」を含む5曲の裏話について話す講座になりました。このような曲にまつわるストーリーを知れば、より深く楽しむことができるでしょう。「MIEA世界めぐり」のイベントは、MIEA(松戸市国際交流協会)のSNSやホームページ等で発表されますので、ぜひ参加してください!

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「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey!







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