「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! April 2023
Re-Encounter with a Former Opponent at a Pro Basketball Game
I recently went to watch another B.LEAGUE (professional basketball) game here in Japan. This time I went to Ibaraki Prefecture for the first time, and made sure to get a seat where I could interact with the players for a game between the Ibaraki Robots and the Hiroshima Dragonflies.
I’m not too familiar with most of the players in the B.LEAGUE, but there is one player that I absolutely had to get an autograph from. That player is Nick Mayo, who like me is from the state of Maine. He is 6’9 (206cm) and is a very good shooter, once a member of the Chiba Jets, and was the B.LEAGUE’s scoring leader in the season he played for Levanga Hokkaido. He is now in his second season playing for Hiroshima, and his fourth season overall playing in the B.LEAGUE here in Japan.
I find it really cool that he is representing Maine, as very few people who are from there are able to go pro in basketball. Nick was actually year above me in class, and I was able to play against him a few times as an opponent of a different high school in Maine. The memory that sticks with me the most was during a game where his school’s team came to play us in our school’s gymnasium, in which Nick dunked on me as I was standing directly under the basket, and all of our school’s students in the stands went crazy as if it was their own team that scored, since they didn’t get to witness a dunk in person too often.
In the game I went to this time, I think Mayo’s passing ability really stood out, and I’m really glad I was able to watch his play and the high skill level of the other players as well.
At some point I want to go watch a Chiba Lotte Marines pro baseball game too, so look out for my future columns!
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