「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! March 2023
March 2023: Setsubun Festival and Groundhog Day
Last month I found out about the Japanese tradition “Setsubun” for the first time, and participated in the festival at Matsudo Shrine. I had heard a little bit about Setsubun beforehand, and based on what I was told I imagined that beans would be passed around to everyone in the crowd, and that we would be the ones throwing them at an “oni” (demon) that appears on the stage. So I was very surprised when suddenly there were all kinds of foods flying at my head.
Setsubun is an event held in early February for expelling the oni (most famously by throwing beans) that is said to appear at the changing of the seasons. As for why it is held in February, that is because until the Edo period ended, spring started on the 4th of February in the old calendar. Those who participate in this event and receive the beans and other foods that are thrown are said to be blessed with good fortune.
Coincidentally, there is also a day in America and Canada with an interesting superstition around the same time, on February 2nd. It’s called “Groundhog Day,” where an animal called a groundhog awakes from its hibernation, goes outside and sees its own shadow, which startles it and the groundhog goes back into its hole. In cases like this with a clear sky, it is said that winter will continue for 6 more weeks. But if the groundhog does not see its own shadow due to a cloudy sky or poor weather, then it is said that spring will come early. It appears that this superstition originates from Germany where instead the badger was the forecasting animal.
February 2nd is not really a day of celebration, so there were no events or festivities for this day, but in elementary school even though probably no one had actually seen a groundhog, every year the groundhog’s prediction was talked about among all the students.
By the way, another name for groundhog is “woodchuck.” In elementary school, everyone learned about this animal through a famous tongue twister, which goes as follows:
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
Try to see how fast you can say it!
2023年2月 節分祭とグラウンドホッグデー
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”