
「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! October 2023


Picking “Matsudo Pears”

On the 11th of September I had the opportunity to visit a nashi (Japanese pear) farm, and I experienced nashi-picking for the first time.

When I first ate a Japanese pear (nashi), I was surprised by its features such as the flavor and the crisp feeling it has when I bit into it. Compared to the pears that we eat in America, there were many differences, instead of the round shape, crisp texture, and bittersweet taste, the pears I grew up eating are oval-shaped, and when fully ripe they are soft like a peach and known for their rich sweetness. There is also a new type of nashi in Chiba Prefecture, called “Aki no Hohoemi,” which is said to be strong against diseases that nashi are normally very susceptible to, and came about from the crossing of two other types of nashi. The farm I visited had a lot of these “Aki no Hohoemi” as well as other types of nashi with differing textures and tastes, but all of the nashi I tried were sweet, full of moisture, and because they were cooled before eating it made them perfect for a hot, early fall day.

Even though I know working on a farm is very hard work, the quiet life and carefree atmosphere of the nashi farm is something I admire, and I had a very fulfilling and relaxing time there.

Matsudo City has had exchange with the Dominican Republic through the cultivation of nashi since 2016, and for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Matsudo City became the “host town” for the Dominican Republic. And in 2022, the “Local Specialty Japanese Pear Cultivation in La Culata Project” was started and is still ongoing. La Culata is a town located in Constanza, Dominican Republic which has a climate that is suited for the cultivation of nashi, and experts on nashi have been dispatched from Japan to this town where they have been sharing techniques and information related to the growing of nashi with the local farmers. Thanks to this project, the “Matsudo Pear” will become known in places outside of Japan, so as a citizen of Matsudo City it is something I am quite proud of.

The nashi season is nearing its end, so as October begins I think there are fewer and fewer places where you can go nashi picking, so please take this last chance to try nashi picking!







「国際交流員」 ’CIR'とは?


外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Return to CIR main page 「松戸市の国際交流員」のページへ戻る


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千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey!







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