「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! September 2023
MIEA's 42nd Annual Matsudo English Speech Contest for High School Students
For the 42nd Annual Matsudo English Speech Contest for High School Students carried out by MIEA (Matsudo International Exchange Association), I was given the opportunity to be one of the judges of the speeches.
The speeches were not just judged by the words that were used and how they were used, but also by how intriguing the contents of the speech were, as well as whether or not the contestants used effective gestures, among other categories.
The contestants understood very well the importance of English being the world’s lingua franca, and the theme of what they would like to contribute to the world using their English ability came up often in their speeches. Desires such as “Connecting the world through people’s passion for anime” and “Helping foreign visitors in Japan” were brought to the forefront of the speeches, and with this each of the contestants added their own perspective as a Japanese person in a skillful fashion, which resulted in speeches that I believe encapsulated the purpose of the contest very well.
Among the contestants were those with hopes to eventually study abroad, so for those who are interested in studying in America, I think that America’s universities and colleges that are of a large-scale would be a perfect choice if one has the opportunity to enter one. At these schools there are a ton of students as well as professors that come from different backgrounds than yourself, which makes it a great chance to expand your worldview. For example at my alma mater, the University of Kansas, over 110 nationalities are represented in the student body, and in my case I was lucky enough to become friends with people from all around the world who I still keep in touch with, and I was even able to reunite with a couple of them here in Japan.
Only good can come from practicing your English abilities, so I hope those interested in next year’s speech contest try their best!
松戸市の「国際交流員」 Matsudo City's Coordinators for International Relations