Events Calendar February 2020 令和2年2月のイベント・カレンダー
February 2020 Events Summary
Festival Events
Festival Events 祭り等
1. 'Setsubun' Festival celebrations in Matsudo 松戸市内で節分をお祝いしましょう
'Setsubun' is associated with the Lunar New Year, and refers to the day before the beginning of spring in Japan. It was previously thought of as a New Year's Eve of sorts, and was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away bad spirits from the year past and to drive away any evil spirits for the year to come.
The practice of throwing beans is most widely recognised. For more information click here.
Bean throwing at Matsudo Shrine
Setsubun is celebrated on the 3rd of February (Mon). There are several shrines and temples within Matsudo City that hold setsubun celebrations. The most popular locations are as follow:
- Matsudo Shrine (Matsudo 1457, 8min walk from Matsudo Station West Exit)
Ceremonies held at 3pm and 6pm
Visit the official website here (Japanese only)
- Hondo-ji Temple (Hiraga 63, 10min walk from Kita Kogane Station)
Times TBA (generally held around 3pm). Visit the official website here (Japanese only)
- Tokuzou-in (Higurashi 5-270, nearby Yabashira Station)
Ceremony held at 3:30pm
- Houzou-in (Kamiyakiri 1197)
Times TBA (generally held around 4pm).
- 松戸神社(松戸1457、松戸駅西口から徒歩約8分)
- 本土寺(平賀63、北小金駅から徒歩10分)
- 徳藏院(日暮5の270、八柱駅下車)
- 宝蔵院(上矢切1197)
Exhibitions 展示
1. Planetarium screenings @ Naoko Space Planetarium プラネタリウム室のスケジュール
The Matsudo Shimin Kaikan (Citizens' Center) is home to the 'Naoko Space Planetarium', aptly named after former astronaut and Matsudo local Naoko Yamazaki. The planetarium runs seasonal screenings. The winter schedule is as follows -
Dates: Saturday January 5th - Sunday March 1st, 2020
Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays
February 2020 Programs:
"Can you see what I see? Canopus!" (40min), 10:30* and 15:30
"Story of Orion" (20min, for children), 13:30 and 14:30
※The 10:30 screening has Japanese subtitles for the hearing impaired.
Entry fee: 50yen for adults, free for children (junior school and below) and pensioners (65 years and over). Entry tickets are required and can be picked up/purchased on the 2nd floor up to 30min prior to each screening.
Location: Matsudo Shimin Kaikan. 4th floor, Matsudo 1389-1 (5-10min walk from Matsudo Station)
Matsudo Shimin Kaikan
Naoko Space Planetarium
2. "Kogane Castle and Negiuchi Castle" @ Matsudo Municipal Museum 「小金城と根木内城」@松戸市立博物館
Kogane Castle was the center of politics and the largest castle in the western part of the Shimousa state during the Warring States (Sengoku) period and the center of politics. Negiuchi Castle, primary fort of the eastern front, defended against countless attacks and seiges in it's days. From the informtion gathered in the remains of the two castles, let us try to better understand the Shimousa state as it was back in the Sengoku perod.
Dates: January 11th (Sat.) - March 22nd (Sun.), 2020; 9:30-17:00 (last entry 16:30)
Location: Exhibition Hall, Matsudo Municipal Museum. Sendabori 671, Matsudo City
Admission: Free
Additionally, the curator of the museum will occasionally host guided tours of the exhibit.
Dates: January 19th (Sun.) - February 1st (Sat.), March 22nd (Sun.) 2020; 14:00-14:40
Location: Exhibition Hall, Matsudo Municipal Museum. Sendabori 671, Matsudo City
Admission: Free (Please express your intent to join at the front desk.)
3. "Decorations of the Tokugawa House" @ Tojo Historical Museum 「松戸徳川家の調度品」 @ 戸定歴史館
In 1892, the Matsudo Tokugawa Family was established when Akitate Tokugawa's successor, Takesada, became a viscount. In later years, many artworks, decorations, and furnishings were transferred from the home of the Mito Tokugawa family to the Matsudo Tokugwa Family. This exhibition will showcase items that have rarely been shown to the public, among other items that have been passed on through the family lineage. This exhibition will bring a little more depth to those interested in the life of Matsudo's Akitake Tokugawa family.
Dates: February 1st (Sat.) - June 21nd (Sun.), 2020; 9:00-17:00 (last entry 16:30)
*closed on Mondays (and on Tuesdays if the previous Monday was a holiday)
Location: Tojo Historical Museum, Tojo-tei House. Matsudo 714-1, Matsudo City
Admission: 150 yen (general adult), 100 yen (high/middle school students), free (all else)
Other その他
1. MIEA Japanese Speech Contest for foreign residents (公財)松戸市国際交流協会の日本語スピーチ・コンテスト
It's MIEA Japanese Speech Contest time again! Applications to compete are now closed, but the event itself is open to the public and spectators are warmly welcomed. Come along and listen to some of Matsudo's brightest foreign residents talk about a topic of their choosing.
Date: Saturday February 15th, 2020
Time: Starts at 1pm
Location: Matsudo Citizen's Theatre ('Shimin Gekijo'), Honcho 11-6 (3 minute walk from Matsudo Station West Exit)
Admission: Free
Any enquiries should be directed to the Matsudo International Exchange Association (MIEA), on 047-366-7310.
問い合わせは、(公財)松戸市国際交流協会に直接連絡してください。 047-366-7310
場所:松戸市民劇場、本町11の6 (松戸駅西口から徒歩3分)
2. Gathering of foreign parents and babies @ 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' (public playspace) 海外から来たママとパパの広場 @ ほっとるーむ新松戸
On the 4th Thursday of every month the 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' playspace holds a casual gathering for foreign parents and their babies. The session is also popular amongst parents with foreign spouses, parents who have lived overseas in the past, and those who have an interest in foreign cultures. It is completely free and open to anyone with a young child (generally up to the age of 3).
Date: February 27th, 2020
Time: 10:30 onwards (bring a packed lunch to eat afterwards if you like)
Location: 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo', Shin Matsudo 3-1-4
Admission: Free
Contact: 047-375-8737
For more information, visit the 'Children & Family' page.
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