
Events Calendar January 2020 令和2年1月のイベント・カレンダー


January 2020 Events Summary

Festival Events







Festival Events 祭り等

1. New Years celebrations at Matsudo's local temples and shrines 松戸市内での初詣

New Year is a great time to visit the many local temples and shrines in Matsudo City. They will be filled with visitors on New Years Eve and throughout early January, as everyone farewells the year that has passed and makes their first prayers of 2020. Some good options include -


  • 松戸神社(松戸駅西口から徒歩5分)
  • 本土寺(北小金駅から徒歩10分)
  • 東漸寺(北小金駅から徒歩10分)
  • 萬満寺(馬橋2547)

2. New Year's Parade of Fireman (Matsudo City Fire Dept.) 松戸市消防出初式

Each year the Matsudo City Fire Dept. holds a special festival in the New Year (called the 'Dezome-shiki') to pray for the safety of the community and to educate the public about fire safety.

This is no ordinary parade - there will be acrobatic stunts involving ladders, live fire-fighting demonstrations, music performances, and a variety of other exciting entertainment. Definitely not one to be missed!

Date: Sunday 12th of January, 2020
Time: 10am onwards (show starting at 11am)
Location: Matsudo City Firefighting Training Centre, Hachigasaki 4-50-2

Access: By bus bound for Kogane-danchi from Yahashira Stn., getting off at 'Hachiharadai'
By bus bound for Mabashi Stn from Tokiwadaira Stn., getting off at 'Hachiharadai'
By foot, 20 min walk from Yahashira Stn.


Live firefighting demonstrations

Exhibitions 展示

1. Planetarium screenings @ Naoko Space Planetarium プラネタリウム室のスケジュール

The Matsudo Shimin Kaikan (Citizens' Centre) is home to the 'Naoko Space Planetarium', aptly named after former astronaut and Matsudo local Naoko Yamazaki. The planetarium runs seasonal screenings. The winter schedule is as follows -

Dates: Sunday January 5th - Sunday March 1st, 2020
Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays

January 2020 Programs:
"Can you see what I see? Canopus!" (40min), 10:30* and 15:30
"Story of Aries" (20min, for children), 13:30 and 14:30
※The 10:30 screening has Japanese subtitles for the hearing impaired.

Entry fee: 50yen for adults, free for children (junior school and below) and pensioners (65 years and over). Entry tickets are required and can be picked up/purchased on the 2nd floor up to 30min prior to each screening.

Location: Matsudo Shimin Kaikan. 4th floor, Matsudo 1389-1 (5-10min walk from Matsudo Station east exit)


Other その他

1. MIEA Japanese Speech Contest for foreign residents, registration now open! (公財)MIEAの日本語スピーチ・コンテスト、外国人の出場者募集中


It's MIEA speech contest time again! If you're a foreign national and you live, work or study in Matsudo, then this is your chance to put your Japanese skills to the test. All details are in the below poster.

Contest: Saturday, February 15th, 2020
Deadline: Thursday, January 9th 2020
Any enquiries should be directed to MIEA, on 047-366-7310 (phone inquiries can be taken in Japanese, English, Chinese).

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。日本語で読む

2. Gathering of foreign parents and babies @ 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' (public playspace) 海外から来たママとパパの広場 @ ほっとるーむ新松戸

On the 4th Thursday of every month the 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo' playspace holds a casual gathering for foreign parents and their babies. The session is also popular amongst parents with foreign spouses, parents who have lived overseas in the past, and those who have an interest in foreign cultures. It is completely free and open to anyone with a young child (generally up to the age of 3).

Date: Thursday January 23rd, 2020
Time: 10:30 onwards (bring a packed lunch to eat afterwards if you like)
Location: 'Hot Room Shin Matsudo', Shin Matsudo 3-1-4
Contact: 047-375-8737

For more information, visit the 'Children & Family' page.


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文化スポーツ部 文化にぎわい創造課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル6階
電話番号:047-366-7327 FAX:047-711-6387



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