Here comes Javi! December 2020 Issue
Let’s Go to the Library!
Did you know that currently, America has about 14,146 restaurants belonging to the most famous hamburger restaurant in the world, and about 117,000 libraries? That’s a ratio of more than 8-to-1! It goes without saying, but in America it is thought that reading regularly is an important habit to have.
The other day I went to the Matsudo Shiritsu Library, and was impressed with all the books and resources they had. Between four floors and a whole separate building, there were newspapers, kamishibai, children’s artwork, and so much more! There were even a few English items, so those of you interested in practicing your English might discover something interesting here. I even saw various translations of famous English books, so there are still opportunities to enjoy foreign culture even if you can’t travel abroad right now.
Going to get a tasty meal at a fast food restaurant on your day off is nice and all, but since thre are over 20 lirbaries to choose from in Matsudo, how about you got o one, borrow a book, and try giving it a read? After all, “food for thought” can be just as good as “food for the body.”
Matsudo’s Coordinators of International Relations, in book form! Javi (America), Ha (Vietnam), and Iris (Australia)! 本も松戸市の国際交流員!アメリカのハビ、ベトナムのハーさん、とオーストラリアのアイリスさん!
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