Here comes Javi! April 2019 Issue
Here comes Javi! - "Won't Stop, Keep Going"
One thing I enjoy spending my valuable free-time on is exercise. Since April of last year I have regularly gone to the gym to lift weights, but this year I made it my New Year’s resolution to also start running. To kick off the year off strong, back in January I ran my first 10km run at the Nanakusa Marathon. There were so many people! The morning was crisp and cold, but almost all the runners - from young children to elderly folk alike - were pumped and ready to run. I hadn’t practiced much so it was difficult, but I was proud that I was able to finish it in less than one hour. The spirit of the other runners and the feeling of accomplishment I earned inspired me to train harder so that I can return next year and beat my current record.
And now that it’s getting warmer, I want to start running outside more at some of the many beautiful places Matsudo has to offer, like the Forest and Park for the 21st Century. I won’t stop; I’ll keep going. I know many people make exercise-related New Year’s resolutions, but if you haven’t started it’s not too late! You can indulge in the lovely spring and Matsudo’s beauty while also taking care of your body. Just don’t forget your water!
31年4月15日号: この頃は、ハ…ビッ! 「止まらずに、進みます」
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