
Here comes Javi! June 2020 Issue


Here comes Javi! - "Take your Mind on an Adventure"

Even though my body is stuck inside my house, my mind is free to roam the world. How? Through reading! By reading a book and reliving a story through the eyes of another character, one can temporarily escape their current reality and go on an adventure. Lately, I have been reading “Yume wo Tsunagu” by Naoko Yamazaki, a famous astronaut and Matsudo native. The way she describes how she first got interested in becoming an astronaut, and the challenging path she followed to make her dream come true, is quite inspirational, and reminds me how hard I must try to achieve my own dreams. So I would recommend trying to find respite in reading. Until you feel comfortable making outdoor travel plans, how about you plan an indoor adventure?


Literarily (not literally) lost in space お家で集中、宇宙に夢中


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