Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infection 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染対策について
Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infection
IMPORTANT: Prevent this disease the same way you’d prevent the flu!
- Wear a mask if you have a cough or fever
- Wash your hands frequently
Telephone Consultation Desk
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: 0120-565653 (9:00 am to 9:00 pm, incl. weekends & holidays)
- Chiba Prefecture: 0570-200-613 (24 hours, incl. weekends & holidays)
- Matsudo Public Health Center: 047-361-2139 (weekdays, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Please contact the Returnees & Contact Persons Consultation Center (within Matsudo Public Health Center) if any of the following symptoms apply to you; ※1
- Continuous common cold symptoms or a fever higher than 37.5 degrees for at least 4 days (including those who need to keep taking antipyretics/fever medicine)
- Exhaustion or difficulty breathing
※ Seniors, patients with existing illnesses, dialysis patients, patients taking immunosuppressant drugs or cancer drugs, and pregnant women should consult if the conditions above last continuously at least 2 days.
※1 Medical consultations for suspected Novel Coronavirus patients are available only at specialized “Returnees & Contact Persons Outpatient Depts.” You must contact the Public Health Center - Returnees & Contact Persons Consultation Center before visiting.
Returnees & Contact Persons Consultation Center
047-361-2140 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday)
043-223-2989 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Weekend and Holiday)
Matsudo City, Health & Human Services Policy Div. TEL: 047-704-0055
- せきや発熱の症状がある場合は、マスクをしましょう
- 手洗いをこまめにしましょう。
- 厚生労働省 0120-565653 (9時から21時、土曜・日曜・祝日含む)
- 千葉県 0570-200-613 (24時間、土曜・日曜・祝日含む)
- 松戸保健所 047-361-2139 (9時から17時、月曜から金曜)
- 風邪の症状や37.5℃以上の発熱が4日以上続いている(解熱剤を飲み続けなければならないときも含む)
- 強いだるさ(倦怠感)や息苦しさ(呼吸困難)がある
松戸市健康福祉政策課 Tel: 047‐704-0055