A Message from the Mayor 市長メッセージ
A Message from the Mayor (June 3, 2020)
The state of emergency due to the Novel Coronavirus has been lifted.
Thank you all for your great efforts for such a really long time. I would like to thank all of our citizens for their generous support and cooperation.
Until we have a cure or a vaccine for the Coronavirus, we will have to continue living our daily lives carefully. We would like you to practice the “new way of life” announced by the government, and continue all the efforts we have made to date, like washing your hands, wearing a mask, and avoiding the “Three Mitsu (or ‘Three Cs’ - closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings). ”
We also hope that those of you who run businesses will be able to resume your operations and maintain employment, all the while avoiding the “Three Mitsu” and upholding social distancing from now on.
The City intends to provide various forms of support and cooperation hereafter for the activities of this new era. We would like to work together with all of you to continue battling this difficult situation.