ドミニカ共和国 Dominican Republic
About the Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国について
The Dominican Republic is well-known as a Caribbean nation blessed with a temperate climate and beautiful seascape, and as the home of countless baseball legends who have made names for themselves in American Major League baseball.
Key Data of the Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国の基本データ
Location: Eastern region of the Hispaniola island (2nd largest island of the Great Antilles archipelago) in the Caribbean Sea; shares a border with Haiti to the west
Area: 48,442 square kilometers (approx. as big as Kyushu and Kochi Prefecture, combined)
Capital: Santo Domingo
Population: 10,738,957 (The World Bank data, as of 2019)
Official language: Spanish
Time zone: Atlantic Standard Time (13 hours behind Japan)
Climate: Subtropical climate, year-round average temperature of ~25°C
位置: カリブ海に位置するイスパニョーラ島東部。大アンティル諸島で2番目に大きな島であり、同島西部にあるハイチと国境を接する。
面積: 48,442平方キロメートル(九州に高知県を合わせた広さ)
首都: サントドミンゴ人口: 10,738,957人(2019年:世界銀行)
標語: スペイン語
気候: 亜熱帯性気候、年間平均気温は約25度
Landscape of the Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国の風景
Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic photo:JICA/ Koji Sato 首都サントドミンゴ 写真提供:佐藤 浩治/JICA
Beach of the Dominican Republic photo:JICA/ Koji Sato ドミニカ共和国のビーチ 写真提供:佐藤 浩治/JICA
Old district of Santo Domingo 1 サントドミンゴの旧市街地区
Old district of Santo Domingo 2 サントドミンゴの旧市街地区
Restaurant in Santo Domingo サントドミンゴのレストラン
Santo Domingo's seaside サントドミンゴの海岸沿いの風景
Commuters of Santo Domingo サントドミンゴの通勤風景
Market with a variety of fresh, colorful vegetables 色とりどりの新鮮な野菜が並ぶ市場
A stall with fresh fishes 新鮮な魚の並ぶ屋台
Traditional plate cuisine served with rice 米とともに供される伝統的なプレート料理
photo:JICA/ Koji Sato 写真提供:佐藤 浩治/JICA
International exchanges between Matsudo and the Dominican Republic 松戸市とドミニカ共和国の交流について
Future Cooperation in 5 Areas! Matsudo and Constanza, Dominican Republic Finalize Partnership Pact 5分野で連携!松戸市とドミニカ共和国コンスタンサ市がパートナーシップ協定を締結
On November 30th, 2022 the city of Matsudo and Constanza, Dominican Republic finalized a “partnership pact” between the two cities.
The agreement acts as a promise to strengthen each other’s cooperation in 5 areas: agriculture, sports, education, culture, and environmenal initiatives. This designation of certain areas of focus distinguishes this agreement from Matsudo’s other sister city relations.
Thus far, the Dominican Republic has been able to cooperate with Matsudo including their support for nashi (Japanese pear) cultivation, and host town exchange for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic games. Going forward Constanza and Matsudo will work on the cooperation between each other’s universities, citizen exchange, and the sharing of initiatives related to SDGs.
This is the first time that a sister city pact has been finalized between Japan and the Dominican Republic!
Pact Signing Ceremony
Due to the effects of the Covid pandemic the pact was made official online, but in accordance with the new shared connection via sister cities (the first ever formed between the two countries), the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic came to Japan from his home country to witness the signing together with the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to Japan.
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Jose Julio Gomez said he wants to build an even stronger comradery with Japan in the future, adding, “President Luis Abinader (of the Dominican Republic) wants to deepen relations with Japan, and the carrying out of this pact is just one of the manifestations of our friendly relationship.”
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Robert Takata said about what he thought to be a very important and historic moment, “With this pact, through the relationship of both cities, the residents on each side will be able to interact, a connection that will extend to the next generation and beyond and allow the relationship between both countries to deepen.”
What is Constanza like?
Constanza is a city in the center of the Domincan Republic, 140 kilometers northwest of the country’s capital, Santo Domingo. Because of the city’s high elevation of 1,200 meters, and being locations within one of the few tropical countries that has 4 seasons, it was chosen as a location for nashi cultivation. A contingent from Matsudo visited Constanza many times to provide resources for nashi cultivation, and in 2020 Kawazu cherry blossom and pine trees were planted in commemoration.
Constanza from afar
Within Constanza
What kind of Exchange will be Shared?
Exchange will be conducted in 5 areas.
The support of continued adopted nashi cultivation is being achieved as part of the JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project, with the aim of increasing the income of farmers in Constanza, as well as improving the brand awareness of the “Matsudo nashi.”
Exchange through sports such as taekwondo and baseball will be discussed as a tradition of host town exchange.
Message from Mr. Pie Bernardo, Taekwondo Senior 68kg テコンドー男子68kg級代表 ベルナルド・ピエ選手より祝辞が届きました
My most sincere congratulations to our dearest and esteemed ambassador, Mr. Robert Takata. We are so happy for your success.
This great friendship between the Dominican Republic and the city of Matsudo demonstrates the great interest in strengthening our relations and the well-being of both countries, and with this we will continue to promote exchange in benefit of both cities.
Read the original in Spanish スペイン語原文で読む(PDF:539KB)
As of next year the Dominican Republic’s national language, Spanish, will become an enroll-able course at Matsudo Municipal High School in the International Humanities department, and at the school there will be cultural exchange implemented by way of the language.
In addition, collaboration will be aimed for between Chiba University’s horticulture club and Constanza’s UCATECIS University.
Starting with the Dominican Republic’s dance “merengue,” which has been registered by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage, opportunities to experience the jovial and lively Latin culture will be created.
Environmental Initiatives
The two cities will collaborate and share information regarding each other's respective environmental initiatives. If necessary, support such as the provision of vehicles will be conducted.
Pear project in the Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国梨プロジェクト
Matsudo City is particularly well known as the birthplace of the”20th Century pear". Since 2016, Matsudo City has provided technical assistances to the Dominican Republic for the cultivation of the "Matsudo Pear", one of our specialties.
Technical assistances for pear cultivation in the Dominican Republic began because the minister-counselor was impressed by the taste of the Matsudo Pear and he hoped to cultivate and harvest them in his homeland.
Pear project in the Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国梨プロジェクトについて
Survey report concerning about the 2020 Dominican Republic pear project 令和2年度ドミニカ共和国梨プロジェクトに係る調査レポート
This is the current report about agriculture in the Dominican Republic, created by the Dominican Republic-Japanese Friendship Association. It summarizes the political and economic state, the distribution system of farm products, etc.
Online international gathering with the Dominican Olympians (2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games) ドミニカ共和国オリンピック選手とのオンライン国際交流(2020東京オリンピック・パラリンピック)
In 2016, Matsudo City was registered as a host town of the Dominican Republic and Romania. Since then, the culture of hospitality and the city’s irresistible temptations have been displayed through bilateral exchange that extends beyond borders.
From July 16th to July 19th, 2021, the Dominican taekwondo team came to Matsudo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games pre-training camps.
7月16日(金曜)から 7月19日(月曜)までの間、 ドミニカ共和国から東京オリンピックに出場するテコンドーの選手団が松戸市で事前キャンプを実施するため、来日しました。
Dominican athletes and Ryutsu Keizai University students held an online international gathering in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. They aimed for mutual understanding and friendships through questions from the students to the athletes about taekwondo and the sports environment.
International sports exchanges スポーツ国際交流
Online international gathering with Dominican athletes オンライン交流の動画
What is a “host town”? ホストタウンとは?
Host Town Legacy ホストタウンレガシー
Regarding Host Town Legacy, please refer to the following page.
Tokyo 2020 Games Host Town Legacy 東京2020大会ホストタウンレガシー
Matsudo Fire Department dispatched two personnel to the Dominican Republic 松戸市消防局員の派遣
From February 29th to March 9th, 2020, the Matsudo Fire Department dispatched two personnel to Monte Cristi City in the Dominican Republic.
There, they gave instruction on fire engine pump control measures as well as firefighting and rescue techniques, both donated from Japan.
Timeline of international exchanges between Matsudo City and the Dominican Republic 松戸市とドミニカ共和国との国際交流の経緯
Regarding the timeline of international exchanges between Matsudo City and the Dominican Republic, please refer to the following page.
ドミニカ共和国との交流の経緯 Timeline of Exchange with Dominican Republic
Matsudo City International Portal (English)
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