Intercultural Cohesion 多文化共生
Matsudo City's Intercultural Cohesion Guidelines / 松戸市多文化共生のまち推進指針
In proportion to the increase in the number of foreign residents in Japan, Matsudo City (hereinafter referred to as "the City") has a record 17,791 foreign residents as of the end of October 2022, which is 3.57% of the total 497,433 foreign residents in Japan. Compared to 10,761 ten years ago, the number of foreign residents living in Matsudo City has increased 1.6 times and is expected to increase further. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for intercultural cohesion in which citizens can support each other regardless of nationality.
In order to present our philosophy and basic policies for promoting intercultural cohesion, the City formulated the "Matsudo City's Intercultural Cohesion Guidelines" in February 2023 to realize "intercultural cohesion" in which Japanese and non-Japanese citizens can learn, work, and live together in peace while recognizing each other's different values.
On the basis of these guidelines, we will continue to work to promote intercultural cohesion in cooperation not only with the local government, but also with citizens, civic groups and businesses.
Matsudo City’s Intercultural Cohesion Promotion Guidelines (English)(PDF:3,999KB)
Guidelines for the Promotion of Intercultural Cohesion in Matsudo City Hall / 多文化共生庁内推進指針
The purpose of this policy is to promote intercultural cohesion within Matsudo City Hall in accordance with the "Matsudo City Comprehensive Plan" and "Matsudo City’s Intercultural Cohesion
Promotion Guidelines".
Guidelines for the Promotion of Intercultural Cohesion in Matsudo City Hall 多文化共生庁内推進指針(PDF:577KB)
What is Intercultural Cohesion? / 多文化共生とは?
According to the “Study Group Report on the Promotion of a Intercultural Cohesion” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, intercultural cohesion is defined as “people of different nationalities and ethnicities living together as members of a local community, while recognizing each other’s cultural differences and trying to build equal relationships.
Collaborative project "Learning Support for Children whose Native Language is not Japanese / 協働事業「日本語を母国語としない子どものための学習支援」
City of Matsudo and ESCO (Educational Support for Children from Overseas), a certified NPO, are working together to provide "Learning Support for Children whose Native Language is not Japanese". We aim to develop a multicultural society where children with foreign backgrounds are not isolated and everyone in the community can live in peace.
Read more in Japanese / 協働事業「日本語を母国語としない子どものための学習支援事業」
Easy Japanese / やさしい日本語
“Easy Japanese” refers to simple Japanese that takes the language used in everyday life and makes it understandable to foreigners. It is not merely a simple rephrasing of words, but rather an easy-to-convey expression that takes cultural differences into consideration.
For further details, click here (Easy Japanese)(PDF:605KB)
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