Matsudo Explorations with CIR Erin, Winter '16・'17 Edition
Season’s Greetings! And welcome to the winter 2016/2017 edition of Matsudo Explorations!
2016 is coming to a close. Between the sister city anniversary celebrations, our new relationship with the Dominican Republic, and the countless other international-esque initiatives that have come to life during the past 12 months (including this International Portal webpage - my personal favourite), the International team and I have had a memorable year.
On a personal note, it has been a pleasure to serve as Coordinator of International Relations during 2016. I could never have anticipated how varied and enriching the role would be, and how much I would come to like Matsudo. So bring on 2017!
You may be tired of hearing me say this, but Matsudo really is just a hop, skip and a jump away from the Tokyo Metropolis. So check out the Events Calendar for upcoming events and activities, and keep an eye on this page for my reviews of our local highlights.
Or you could just grab your warmest jacket and come and visit us in person. Even better!
Have a wonderful festive season,
Erin, Coordinator of International Relations
7th December, 2016
- February 18th, MIEA Japanese Speech Contest for foreign residents
- January 28th + February 4th, Disaster Awareness Seminar for foreign residents
- December 17th, MIEA International Cultural Exchange Party
- December 16th-18th, 'Too Slow To See' - PARADISE AIR final exhibition and artist talk
There are more adventures! Click here for the Spring 2017 installment
February 18th, MIEA Japanese Speech Contest for foreign residents
This year’s Japanese language speech contest was wildly popular. The Citizens’ Theatre was practically a full house, and there was much cheering and encouragement from the audience throughout the contest. According to our friends at the Matsudo International Exchange Assoc. (MIEA), there were 43 applicants for only 16 competitor slots!
The contest was open to foreign nationals who live/work/study in Matsudo and have been in Japan for less than 5 years. This year’s contestants were from a variety of countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and China. Each gave a speech on a topic of their choice, before answering some brief questions from the MCs.
The overall winner was Ms. Nadeesha Sewandi Gallage of Sri Lanka (pictured below). Her speech was entitled “Failure is a stepping stone to success”. Congratulations to all contestants on a job well done.
Judges and audience
Contest winner, Ms. Gallage (Sri Lanka)
Mr. Wangchuk (Bhutan), 5th place
Prize winning contestants
January 28th + February 4th, Disaster Awareness Seminar for foreign residents
Matsudo City recently held a Disaster Awareness Seminar for foreign residents and Japanese volunteers at the Matsudo Citizens Hall.
The Japanese volunteer group gathered over two Saturdays to discuss the challenges faced by foreign residents post-earthquake, and to brainstorm how to best provide support in spite of communication difficulties. They were also introduced to concepts such as ‘Simple Japanese’ and the ‘Multilingual Support Center’. The foreign residents session was held on the second Saturday, attracting 45 participants from countries as diverse as China, Nigeria, Peru and Spain. The group was shown how to prepare for an earthquake, introduced to the workings of an evacuation center, and also shown some basic first aid techniques.
The seminars culminated in an en messe mock-evacuation role-play. The volunteers had to approach the foreign participants and attempt to assist them with their concerns. It was great to see everyone learning and laughing together as they worked to overcome the cultural and communication barriers.
Seminar for volunteers
CIR Erin in the 'Evacuation Center'
Evacuation Center roleplay
December 17th, MIEA International Cultural Exchange Party
The 2016 MIEA International Cultural Exchange Party was held in mid-December at the Mori Hall. It was my second time attending the event, so it was lovely to see many familiar faces and to meet many new people as well. There was a great mix of both Japanese and foreign residents.
Good food, good entertainment, and great company from all corners of Matsudo!
To learn more about the Matsudo International Exchange Association (MIEA), click here.
President Iinuma (MIEA) addressing the room
Dancing and having fun
Korean percussion performance
December 16th-18th, 'Too Slow To See' - PARADISE AIR Long Stay Program final exhibition and artist talk
Thai-American artist Purin Phanichpant has been in Matsudo for close to 3 months* on the PARADISE AIR Long Stay Program, a wildly competitive artist in residence program based out of Central Matsudo. His residency project is a series of interactive design pieces revolving around the local community’s attitudes towards global warming, and was on display at the Bunka Hall from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of December. Purin also gave an artist talk at the Paradise Air headquarters on the Saturday evening.
I’ll let the photos speak for themselves, but the exhibition was both interactive and thought provoking. Purin’s artist talk really rounded out the whole experience, providing background information about his brainstorming and prototyping processes, and ‘insider info’ about his experiences in Matsudo.
Here’s to the completion of yet another successful Long Stay Program! Congratulations to Purin and the entire PARADISE AIR team on a job well done.
PARADISE AIR puts on a wide range of great art events in Matsudo. Click here to learn more.
*correct at time of publication (mid-Dec ‘16)
'In Three Emojis'
'Feel The Warming'
'Connect Our Efforts'
'Together We Start'
Artist talk with Purin
Return to the Matsudo Explorations catalogue 「CIRの松戸はっけん」の一覧へ戻る
- 2月18日、(公財)松戸市国際交流協会の日本語スピーチ・コンテスト
- 1月28日・2月4日、災害時外国人サポーター養成講座
- 12月17日、松戸市国際交流協会の国際交流パーティー
- 12月16~18日、PARADISE AIR 展示&トーク 'Too Slow To See'
今年度の外国人日本語スピーチコンテストは大変人気がありました。市民劇場がほぼ満員となり、コンテスト中も観衆から多くの声援がかかりました。コンテストの主催者 (公財)松戸市国際交流協会(MIEA)によると、16名の出場者枠に対し、応募が43もあったそうです!
今年度の優勝は、「失敗は成功の元」というスピーチを発表したスリランカ出身のガッラゲ ナディーシャ セウワンディ様(下記の写真)です。大変がんばった出場者の皆様、お疲れ様でした。
12月16~18日、PARADISE AIR 展示&トーク 'Too Slow To See'
タイ系アメリカ人アーティスト、プリン・パニチュパンさんは、松戸を拠点とするアーティスト・イン・レジデンス『 PARADISE AIRパラダイス・エア』が実施するロングステイ・プログラムの狭き門をくぐって来松し、もうすぐ3ヶ月*がたちます。彼のプロジェクトは、松戸市民の地球温暖化に対する意識を中心に発展させた、鑑賞者参加型のデザイン作品です。12月16日(金曜)から18日(日曜)まで文化ホールで作品を展示することに加え、プリンさんは17日(土曜)の夕方、PARADISE AIRのスタジオでアーティスト・トークもしました。
今年のロングステイ・プログラムも大成功!プリンさんとPARADISE AIRの皆様、お疲れ様でした。
PARADISE AIRは、松戸市内に幅広いアート・イベントを一年中催しています。詳しくはPARADISE AIR
Return to the Matsudo Explorations catalogue 「CIRの松戸はっけん」の一覧へ戻る