Matsudo City Fundamental Concept 松戸市の基本構想
Matsudo City's 'Fundamental Concept' was introduced in 1997. It designates the key principles behind city planning, and the direction that Matsudo will take in its city planning and goals. It also outlines the basic stance regarding city administration with a vision of how the citizens would like Matsudo to be in 2020.
Yes yes, admittedly it does sound a little...dry. However(!), we can guarantee a greater appreciation of the work that goes into building this great city after reading these policies. And it's nice to be 'in the know', ya know? No turning back now! Read on for the highlights.
City Planning まちづくり
There are three underlying basic principles behind Matsudo City's approach to City Planning -
- Matsudo is a city where the human rights of all are respected and people can lead their lives with peace of mind
- Matsudo is a comfortable, regional society where people support each other
- Matsudo is an energetic and appealing city that supports friendly interactions between citizens
"A good place to live, a good place to visit"
City Planning policy aims to guide the development of Matsudo City so as to please local residents and impress city visitors. There are three key aims, as follows -
- City planning for an enriched life (the formation of a region that complements daily life + focus points for utilising environmental characteristics)
- City planning for vibrant city interactions (fostering and maintaining a 'hub' of interaction + maintaining a transport network that supports a city of interaction)
- City planning for harmonious land utilization (the formation of a spacious urban environment + land usage worthy of a 'hub' + in harmony with the rich natural environment)
まちづくりの裏にある基本理念 が3つあります―
- 人権が尊重されすべての人が安心して暮らせるまち
- 快適な環境の中で人と人が支え合う地域社会のあるまち
- 地域にやさしい市民の交流を支える活力と魅力のあるまち
- 充実した生活都市づくり(生活に身近な地域の形成、環境特性を生かすまとまり)
- 活力ある交流都市づくり(交流拠点の育成・整備、交流都市を支える交通網の整備)
- 調和のとれた土地利用(豊かな自然環境との調和、ゆとりある市街地環境の形成、拠点にふさわしい土地利用)
Matsudo City Vision for the Future 松戸市の将来像
Incorporating the three basic principles of city planning as stated above, Matsudo City's 2020 Vision for the Future is to create -
"A stage for its lively citizens"
"A stage for the pleasant region"
"A stage for a distinctive city"
The aim is for Matsudo's citizens, local businesses and local government to work together as one to create these three stages and to enable us all to experience the true wealth of our city.
Furthermore, this vision is expressed through the following city motto -
"The cultivation of naturally vibrant Matsudo - a hometown for the children that will carry us into the future"
Fulfilling the Vision via “Matsudo City’s Comprehensive Plan” 松戸市総合計画基本構想 「施策の大綱」
Six key initiatives have been identified as essential for fulfilling Matsudo City's Vision for the Future, as follows -
- The formation of a linked regional society
- The realisation of a welfare-based society that supports a rich life
- The creation of a cultural and educational environment that fosters the next generation
- The realisation of a safe and comfortable lifestyle environment
- The creation of attractive city spaces and the advancement of industry
- Administrative operations undertaken from the standpoint of city management
These are central to administrative policy and make up the framework for key policy document “Matsudo City’s Comprehensive Plan”.
第1節 連携型地域社会の形成
第2節 豊かな人生を支える福祉社会の実現
第3節 次代を育む文化・教育環境の創造
第4節 安全で快適な生活環境の実現
第5節 魅力ある都市空間の形成の産業の振興
第6節 都市経営の視点に立った行財政運営