
Sister City Column 姉妹都市通信


Hello everyone, my name is Iris Tong, a CIR (Coordinator for International Relations) from Matsudo International Exchange Association (MIEA). I am from Melbourne, Australia. Our sister city, the City of Whitehorse is located 15 km east of Melbourne CBD. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Matsudo’s sister city relationship with Whitehorse City, Australia. To highlight the occasion, we will be delivering various information about our sister city. Keep an eye on our website and Matsudo newspaper “KOHO MATSUDO”(updated on 15th)for sister city column if you don’t want to miss a thing!


Mid-Summer Christmas 真夏のクリスマス

Located in the southern hemisphere, Australian seasons are the opposite of those in Japan. As the seasons shift, so does the time difference. Australia is usually one hour ahead of Japan, however, the difference becomes two hours during daylight savings from early October to late March.
As Matsudo City welcomes summer, it marks the start of winter for our friends in the city of Whitehorse. Whitehorse has a temperate climate. Summer is hot, with low humidity but higher UV ray strength, while winter is warmer than Matsudo with no snow. A surfing Santa Claus dressed in shorts, T-shirts and sunglasses are a common scene during Christmas time in Australia. Moreover, firing up the grill for a BBQ in the sunshine is the best way to celebrate this blessed holiday season for Australians.


Ethnic and Cultural Coexistence 民族と文化の共存

When imagining the country of Australia, many Japanese people think it is a country comprising of ‘White people and Aborigines’. In reality, Australia is one of the most successful cases of multicultural societies in the world. In particular, the suburb of Box Hill, which is part of the city of Whitehorse, has 40% of its residents born overseas, and about 33% of them come from countries where English is not the first language. Just like Matsudo, China is also the leading country of birth for the overseas-born population in Whitehorse. Against such diverse backgrounds, there are numerous authentic multicultural restaurants for you to try out. Another benefit of living in Box Hill for residents with Chinese ethnic backgrounds is that they can generally get by without speaking any English as it is very likely for them to find a Mandarin speaker in various places, from grocery shopping to hospital visits.
Box Hill is also a great place to be for people enjoy Japanese culture and gourmet cuisine.The annual Japan Festival has been held locally for 20 years with the aim to promote cultural exchanges between Australia and Japan. On the day, everyone will have an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture, including food, art, traditional music, and performance.


Here comes back Erin! 元国際交流員スコット・エリンさんから お祝いのメッセージが届きました!

It was a lovely twist of fate that I found myself working as Matsudo’s inaugural Coordinator for International Relations. Having grown up not far from the sister city of Whitehorse, I felt at home in Matsudo right away. Whether it was accompanying the Matsudo delegation during the 45th anniversary tour to Whitehorse, celebrating Green Tree Day via video link, or even welcoming several Matsudo colleagues into my home here in Australia, the sister city relationship has been a source of many enriching experiences. It has also contributed to shaping my career in public service. Nowadays I can be found working for the Victorian Government in Melbourne. Congratulations on 50 years of friendship and collaboration!

松戸の最初の印象は、アットホームな親近感と安心感です。松戸市の姉 妹都市であるホワイトホース市の近くで生まれ育った私が、松戸市初の国 際交流員になれたことに運命を感じました。姉妹都市交流 45周年の際に、ホワイトホース市訪問に参加できたこと、 市内の小学生と一緒に締結記念日を祝えたこと、同僚のス タッフを私の故郷でおもてなししたことなど、この姉妹都 市の関係は私の人生経験とキャリアを豊かなものにしてく れました。行政で働くことが好きになり、日本を離れた現 在はメルボルンでビクトリア州政府に勤めています。  姉妹都市交流50周年おめでとうございます!

Here comes Javi! Congratulations, Whitehorse and Matsudo! 国際交流員ハビから報告!ホワイトホース市、松戸市、おめでとうございます!

May 12 is a very special day for Matsudo. Do you know what makes it so special? Perhaps this picture can give you a clue.
Last month on May 12, the mayors of Whitehorse and Matsudo met up online to celebrate their sister city relationship’s 50th anniversary. 50th! For over half a century, our two cities have maintained a strong bond of intercultural exchange, friendship, and support. While it is unfortunate that we could not welcome our Whitehorse friends in-person this year, we did our best to express our feelings through a video call. As one of the interpreters for this event, I felt it was a great honor to play a role in supporting such a great relationship that has touched the lives of countless people.
Even though the anniversary date has passed, Matsudo City will continue to host workshops, events, and other festivities to celebrate our monumental milestone with all of you, so look forward to them!

5月12日という日は松戸市にとっ て意味のある日です。この日がなぜ 特別かご存じですか?写真がヒント です。先月、オーストラリアのホワイト ホース市と松戸市の両市長はオンラ インで会談し、姉妹都市交流50周 年記念日をお祝いしました。この日が、5月12日な のです。50周年!半世紀にもわたり、国際交流・ 友情・支援などにより構築された強い絆は今でも続 いています。今年、ホワイトホース市の皆さんと直 接お会いできずとても残念ですが、オンライン会談では私たちの気持ちを上手に伝えるように頑張り ました。このような貴重な機会に通訳者の一人として、大勢の人々の人生に影響を与えた素晴らしい関係に貢献できたことが光栄でした。今年、松戸市はこの記念すべき50周年を市民の皆さんと祝えるようにさまざまなワークショップ やイベントなどを実施する予定ですので、楽しみにしてください。

Aussies love sports オーストラリア人はスポーツが好き

Australia is a nation of sports lovers. The popularity of sport in Australia can partly be attributed to a warm climate that encourages people to get outdoors and be active. As a multicultural society, a wide range of sports can be enjoyed. Most Australians agree that sport is a significant part of Australian culture. Australian Rules football (aka 'footy' or 'Aussie rules') is Australia's most attended sport, and one of the two most watched.
Whitehorse City has multiple clubs in different level. Every summer, the Whitehorse Sports Awards are held. This is an annual event that acknowledges the hard work and dedication of local athletes, sporting clubs and their volunteers. This year's award winner will be chosen soon.
As the paralympics approach, let us cheer Australian athletes up in the Australian way, ‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi !’

温暖な気候のおかげで、オーストラリアではスポーツは非常に人気があります。多民族国家ですので、オーストラリア 国内でも世界中のスポーツが楽しめます。ホワイトホース市の属するビクトリア州では、オーストラ リアで生まれたオーストラリアンフットボールがとても人気で、ホワイトホース市にもさまざまなレベルのクラブチームが存在します。
ホワイトホース市では、毎年夏に「Whitehorse(ほわいとほーす) Sports(すぽーつ) Award(あわーど)」が開催され、際立った実績を有する地元の選手、チーム、ボランティアが表彰されます。今年も間もなく受賞者が決まります。
感動と興奮を与えてくれた東京オリンピックが終わり、 間もなくパラリンピックが始まります。皆さんもぜひオー ジー流の応援でオーストラリアの選手を応援しましょう! 「Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi ! (オジオジオジ、オイオイオイ!)」

Multiculturalism in Whitehorse ホワイトホース市と多文化共生

As a diverse community, Whitehorse has around 40 per cent of its resident born overseas and one third of them have come from a non-English speaking background. Whitehorse is also home to a great number of international students, attending Box Hill TAFE and Deakin University as well as other tertiary and secondary institutions. Despite anti-immigrant rhetoric abroad and at home, a total of 60.2 per cent of people in Whitehorse feel that multiculturalism makes life in the area better, higher than the Victorian state average of 51 per cent. Living with people of different backgrounds promotes increased tolerance and challenges cultural stereotypes among individuals.
Part of the City of Whitehorse, one of the more affluent areas of Melbourne, Boxhill, is home to the largest Chinese population in Greater Melbourne, with over 60% of residents are either born in China or with Chinese ancestry. Culturally, it is easy to access Asian especially Chinese cuisines and various products. Chinese-speaking services are also largely accessible in this area, from daily grocery shopping to hospital visiting. While free interpreting service is available nationwide, it is easier to find in house Chinese interpreters in hospitals of Boxhill.



文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653
