
2016 - 45th anniversary tour, Matsudo visits Whitehorse 平成28年:姉妹都市45周年記念ツアー ホワイトホース市への訪問


Post-tour report 姉妹都市45周年記念ツアー後のレポート

From the 11th to the 17th of May, a large delegation of Matsudo representatives travelled to Whitehorse City in Australia. The delegation was led by Mayor of Matsudo Mr Kenji Hongoya and several other city officials and city councillors, and also comprised of a large number of local residents who had applied to participate in the once-every-ten-year trip.

The tour was in celebration of 45 years of continued Matsudo-Whitehorse sister city friendship.

2016年5月11日から5月17日の7日間、姉妹都市提携45周年記念事業の一環で、松戸市から大規模な訪問団が松戸市の姉妹都市であるオーストラリアのホワイトホース市を訪れました。訪問団のメンバーは、松戸市長率いる公式訪問団と、公募で集まった市民訪問団合わせて53名。公式訪問団には、本郷谷市長のほかに 松戸市議会議員・松戸観光協会職員・松戸手作り甲冑愛好会の会員などが参加しました。

11-12th of May 5月11~12日

The delegation departed from Narita Airport on Wednesday the 11th of May, and arrived into Melbourne on Thursday the 12th in the afternoon. The official 45th anniversary celebration dinner was held that same evening in the Box Hill Town Hall (located in Whitehorse City). The 12th of May was the date that the late Cr Kiyoshi Matsumoto (former Mayor of Matsudo) and his Whitehorse counterpart first signed a sister city agreement in 1971, making it the ideal day to hold anniversary celebrations. Approximately 180 people attended the celebration dinner to witness the reaffirmation of the sister city agreement, and to acknowledge an impressive 45 years of continued friendship.


13th of May 5月13日

The next day the delegation enjoyed a bus tour around Whitehorse City. The first stop was the community art centre, where a collection of Japanese artwork was on display. Student artwork sent from Matsudo through the 'Matsudo-Whitehorse Student Art Exchange Project' was also on display. The delegation appreciated this special welcome.

The next stop was the Whitehorse Civic Centre (City Hall). After entering the Council Chambers everyone was given a brief introduction to the framework of the Whitehorse City Council. This was followed by a visit to Schwerkolt Cottage and Historical Museum. The stone cottage was built in the pioneering days and is surrounded by beautiful parkland.

And finally, the delegation visited one of Whitehorse's main shopping areas. They enjoyed viewing a Japanese mural and also the Matsudo City themed photo exhibition that was on display in the shopping centre.

Japanese-themed mural 日本文化をテーマにした壁画



14th of May 5月14日 

Matsudo City collaborated with Melbourne marketplace 'Prahran Market' and held a food event to publicise several Matsudo food products. The event was popular and attracted many local residents, Japan-related companies and media outlets. The food products on offer were the 'Shiratama Zenzai' (a sweet rice dumpling dessert), two 'Ajisai-negi' sauces (onion sauces prepared into canapes), and 'Nasu-yoichi-zuke' (pickled eggplant prepared into california rolls). Each was well received, with the most popular on the day being the miso-based Ajisai-negi sauce.


外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。本郷谷市長のSBSラジオのインタビュー(プラーン・マーケット)

15th of May 5月15日

The Japan Club of Victoria puts on the 'Japan Festival' in Whitehorse City every year. This year it was timed to coincide with Matsudo's visit to the city, enabling the delegation to both attend and participate. Matsudo put on a photo exhibition of seasonal pictures of the city, and had a booth for the locally designed 'Paper Dragonfly'. The Matsudo Armour Enthusiasts Society (pictured left) also put on a special performance and posed for countless photographs with local people. The event was a great success.

Take a look at the following video for some footage from the Japan Festival and the Prahran Market.

ジャパンフェスティバルとプラーン・マーケット ホワイトホース市姉妹都市締結45周年



外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。甲冑愛好会長 高橋氏のSBSラジオのインタビュー

16th of May 5月16日

On the final day of the tour, the official delegation visited the Consular General of Japan in Melbourne's offices. They had tea with Consular General Keiko Haneda and heard about her impressions of Melbourne City. She also gave glowing praise for the Whitehorse-Matsudo sister city relationship.

Afterwards, the official delegation made a brief visit to the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), the main stadium of the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. Upon finishing their stadium tour it was time to return to Japan. A wonderful sister city tour was enjoyed by all!


Catalogue of anniversary events 姉妹都市締結記念事業の一覧

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文化スポーツ部 文化にぎわい創造課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル6階
電話番号:047-366-7327 FAX:047-711-6387









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