
Childbirth and Childrearing Benefits 出産・子育て応援交付金事業について


Childbirth and Childrearing Benefits

The national government has established a program that integrates ‘accompanied consultation support’, which provides close consultation services from pregnancy to childbirth and child rearing, and links to necessary support for various needs, as well as to provide ‘financial support’ (“Grants to support childbirth and child rearing”) in a package that subsidizes the purchase of childbirth and childcare-related goods and reduces the financial burden of using childcare support services for pregnant women and households raising children who have reported their pregnancy and the birth of their child.

This project started in Matsudo City on 1 March 2023.

Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

Overview of the Childbirth and Childrearing Benefits

 Comprehensive Support
Accompanied consultation
Financial support

Meeting schedule
(1) At the time of reporting pregnancy
(2) Around the 8th month of pregnancy

Meeting participant
 Pregnant women concerned

Meeting contents
 Review the survey results and
 parenting guide together, and

 make an outlook on childbirth,
 childcare, and other issues.

Amount and provision schedule
 Childbirth Support Grant
 (50,000 yen)

 At the time of reporting pregnancy
 (apply after meeting)
 Childrearing Support Grant
 (50,000 yen)

 At the time of ‘home visit to every
 family with a newborn’ (apply after
 caregiver’s meeting)

Provision method

 Cash payment received by those
 submitted an application
 following a meeting

Accompanied consultation support

This service is intended for all pregnant women and parenting households raising infants ages 0 to 2.
It provides close counseling support from the time of pregnancy notification and connects them to necessary support while sharing information with relevant organizations to reduce their sense of isolation and anxiety.

Meeting schedule (after March 1, 2023)

  • At the time of reporting pregnancy
  • Around the 8th month of pregnancy
  • At the time of ‘home visit to every family with a newborn’

※ Consultations are also available at any time other than those listed above at Health and Welfare Centers, Oyako Sukoyaka Centers, and other locations.

Meeting contents

Together, we will review the outlook and how to spend the pregnancy and postpartum period, the various procedures that will be required, and the support services that are available.
The spouse/partner of the expectant mother (caregiver) and family members living with the expectant mother are also welcome to attend.

1 At the time of reporting pregnancy

Interview with the pregnant woman at the time of submitting pregnancy notification

* You need to have a confirmed pregnancy diagnosis from an obstetrician. Please bring documents that show that you are pregnant.

* In the case where someone else is reporting pregnancy, or you are yet to visit a medical institution to confirm pregnancy, an interview with the pregnant woman will be required at a later date.

After the interview, you will receive information on the application for the Childbirth Support Grant.
2 Around the 8th month of pregnancy

A questionnaire will be sent to all pregnant women around the 7th month of pregnancy.

If you would like a meeting or need a meeting, a public health nurse or other health worker will contact you to schedule a meeting.

[Method of meeting]
In person at one of the Health and Welfare Centers, in person at your home, or online (ZOOM)

* Please be sure to fill out the questionnaire even if you do not wish to have a meeting.

3 At the time of ‘home visit to every family with a newborn’

We will interview the person who is taking care of the child (caregiver) when we visit all families with a newborn.

After the meeting, you will receive information on the application for the Childrearing Support Grant.

Financial support “Grants to Support Childbirth and Childrearing”


1-(1) Mothers of a child born between
April 1, 2022 and January 31, 2023
Information letters will be sent out starting March 1, 2023
1-(2) Mothers of a child born between
February 1, 2023 and February 28, 2023

Information letters will be sent out in late-March, 2023

2-(1) Pregnant woman who submitted
notification of pregnancy between
April 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023,
and who has not given birth
at the point of March 1, 2023.
Information letters will be sent out in late-March, 2023
2-(2) Pregnant women who submitted
notification of pregnancy after
March 1, 2023, and who has not
given birth at the point of application.
Information is provided at the time of your pregnancy notification
3 Caregivers caring for a child(ren)
who filed the notice of birth after
March 1, 2023.
Information is provided at the time of ‘ home visits to families with a newborn’

* The timing of the pregnancy report is not asked for those in category 1 above.

Amount of Financial Support Grants

(Applies to all category 1 through 3)
1 Childbirth Support Grant &
Childrearing Support Grant

50,000 yen for each mother of a child +

50,000 yen for each child

(provided simultaneously)
2 Childbirth Support Grant 50,000 yen for each pregnant woman
3 Childrearing Support Grant 50,000 yen for each child

Application Deadline

(Applies to all category 1 through 3)
1 Approximately 3 months after you receive the information letter.
2-(1) Approximately 3 months after you receive the information letter.
2-(2) The day before the birth of the child.

Approximately 3 months after you receive the ‘visit to families with a newborn’.

※ The grants may not be granted if you miss the application deadline. If you have a condition that makes it difficult to apply by the deadline, please let us know at the meeting or via [CONTACT US] below.

Required Document

Applicant’s proof of identification

(A, B, or C)
A Either one of My Number Card, Driver’s License, Residence Card, etc. (A photo ID)
B Two ID documents issued by the local/national government, such as Health Insurance Card. (No photo)
C One ID document issued by the local/national government, such as Health Insurance Card (no photo), and one document that lists your full name, such as a hospital card, etc.
Document showing the applicant’s banking information A document that shows the name and branch of your financial institution, account number, and account holder’s name (i.e. bank book, ATM card).
Documentation of pregnancy

* Only for those falls under Category 2 above.

Such as a Certificate of Pregnancy which you received from your hospital, any paper that shows the estimated date of arrival of your baby, set of a hospital card and echo image, medical statement, etc.
Other Additional documents may be required depending on each situation.

How to apply

■ Apply online
 Scan the QR code on the information you receive and file the application online.
■ Apply by mail
 If you are unable to apply online, please let us know via [CONTACT US] below.
 We will send you the set of application documentation.


● My bank book and bank card are still in my maiden name. Can I still apply?

Please submit the Letter of Proxy with your application.

● I am away in my hometown to deliver the baby.

You can apply to this benefit for the city of your registered residence. Please contact Health and Welfare Centers for more detail.

● The applicant has moved-in/moved-out after the meeting and before the payment.

The benefit is provided only from either one of the municipalities, so the applicant needs to re-apply at the city of her new residence. Please consult with us if you need to transfer.

● I was pregnant and gave birth overseas.

You are eligible for the “Childbirth Support Grant” if you had a meeting at the time of a pregnancy report in Japan. If you spent your pregnancy period overseas, gave birth overseas, and then returned to Japan, you are only eligible for the “Childrearing Support Grant” after a meeting.

● After notification of pregnancy, the baby was not delivered due to miscarriage, etc.

You are eligible to receive the “Childbirth Support Grant”.

● The parents of a child born after April 1, 2022, are divorced before February 28, 2023, and the father has custody of the child.

The mother of the child is eligible for the “Childbirth Support Grant,” and the father who is caring for the child is eligible for the “Childrearing Support Grant.” Both the mother and the father need to apply for each grant separately.

● In cases of evacuation (such as domestic violence), divorce proceedings, “300-day rule” problems, pregnancy of a minor, etc.

The childcare situation, etc. will be confirmed during the meeting and the applicant may be eligible for the benefit.

For details, please contact us at the time of the meeting or at [Contact Us] below.


  • This benefit is tax-free.
  • Households receiving Public Assistance are eligible, and this benefit is not considered income.
  • A designated call center has been established begining March 1, 2023.

Contact Us

Office in Charge

Inquiries for Accompanied consultation support

- Health and Welfare Centers (Hoken Fukushi Center)
- Oyako Sukoyaka Centers

Inquiries for the Grants to support childbirth and child rearing

Child Services Dept. Children's Welfare Div.,
Mother & Children's Health Office (Boshi Hoken Tantoushitsu)
Central Health & Welfare Center, 74-3 Takegahana, Matudo City
【Childbirth and Childrearing Benefits Call Center】
TEL:0120-178-962 (Toll-Free)

Hours: 9 am to 5:30 pm on Weekdays excl. National Holidays

If you need language assistance

Interpreter will translate/interpret and pass your inquiries to the divisions in charge of the benefits.
【Internationalization Promotion Division (Kokusai Suishin Ka)
TEL: 047-710-2725
Email: mckokusai@city.matsudo.chiba.jp

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (External link)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Matsudo City HP - Pregnancy

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Matsudo City HP - For Families with a New Baby

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Read in Japanese / 日本語で読む

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