
[Application Closed for 2023] Join Chiba-kun Global Partners 【募集終了】チーバくんグローバルパートナーズ


Could you be one of Chiba Prefecture's newest foreign partners?

Support the foreign community by sharing your opinions and spreading important news through your social media pages! On top of that, have fun enjoying the many sights, sounds, and wonders of Chiba Prefecture (then spread the good word to your friends!). 
The Chiba-kun Global Partners Program is a great opportunity to see more of Chiba, meet new people, and to share ideas to make Chiba Prefecture a nicer place to live. No compensation is provided, but all tours and transport etc. will be organised and paid for by the program.
→ Checkout more details on Chiba Prefecture International Square!

  • Period of appointment: From April 2023 to March 2024
  • 【Application Closed】Application deadline: Monday, February 13th, 2023
  • Requirements : Those who meet all the following requirements
  1. Foreign nationals who have a status of residence, or Japanese nationals who have roots in a foreign country.
  2. Live, study, or work in Chiba Prefecture
  3. Have ability to communicate in Japanese
  4. Utilizing and posting information on SNS, etc.
  5. Have an interest in Chiba Prefecture and a willingness to help make it a better place to live
  • Application:

- Fill in the Application Form in Japanese
- Attach documents 1) Copy of Residence Card 2) screenshot or URL, etc. to show your activities on your SNS
- Mail or email to the address shown below

  • Application Submission / Contact:
  • Chiba Prefectural Government, International Affairs Division, Multicultural Coexistence Promotion Section
    1-1, Ichiba-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City 260-8667 (9th floor of the Chiba Prefectural Government Office Main Building)
  • Phone: 043-223-2436
  • Fax: 043-224-2631
  • E-mail: kokusaig3@mz.pref.chiba.lg.jp

Details in Japanese / 日本語で詳しく読む

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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



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