
CIR print media and radio 活字メディアと地域ラジオでのCIR


Monthly column in newspaper Koho Matsudo 「広報まつど」での毎月のコラム

Follow the CIRs on their adventures in Matsudo! Keep an eye out for their bilingual column on the 15th of every month on the backpage of local newspaper 'Koho Matsudo', or click on the photos and links below.


Recent columns

August 2021 8月15日

March 2021 3月15日

January 2021 1月15日

December 2020 12月15日

Complete catalogue

CIR Javier's columns (2018.10~) CIRハビのコラム一覧へ

CIR Ha's columns (2018.03~) CIRハーのコラム一覧へ

CIR Erin's columns (2016.01-2018.02) CIRエリンのコラム一覧へ

One-off media 他のメディア

September 2017, Radio segment 「MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics」 ラジオ番組

"MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics" is a short radio segment broadcast weekly on Chiba prefecture's Bay FM. It covers all matter of local interest topics and provides great publicity for our friendly city. CIR Ha appeared as a special guest on the 28th of September 2017, discussing her role in Matsudo. The segment is short and sweet, so give it a listen! (Japanese only)

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Listen to the segment here

松戸市の魅力を発信するラジオ番組「MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics」がFMラジオ局「bayfm78(ベイエフエム)」で放送中!!CIRハーは、平成29年9月28日にゲストとして出演し、本市の国際交流員として働くことについて話しました。約4分間の短いインタビューですので、気軽に聴いてみてください!

外部サイトへリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。放送を聴く

September 2017, Tokyo Shimbun Feature Piece 東京新聞にも登場!

Just several months after her arrival in Matsudo, CIR Ha was profiled by the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper. She talks about her day to day life, the charms of her homeland, and her wish to act as a bridge between Matsudo and Vietnam.


March 2017, Koho Matsudo Citizens' Special Feature 広報まつどの市民活動特集号

CIR Erin appeared in a Koho Matsudo Special Feature regarding multiculturalism in Matsudo. Click here for an overview and to download a copy.


May 2016, Radio segment 「MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics」 ラジオ番組

"MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics" is a short radio segment broadcast weekly on Chiba prefecture's Bay FM. It covers all matter of local interest topics and provides great publicity for our friendly city. CIR Erin appeared as a special guest on the 12th of May 2016, discussing both her role and the 45th anniversary celebrations for the Whitehorse-Matsudo Sister City relationship. The segment is short and sweet, so give it a listen! (Japanese only)

Listen to the segment here

松戸市の魅力を発信するラジオ番組「MATSUDO HAPPY☆topics」がFMラジオ局「bayfm78(ベイエフエム)」で放送中!!CIRエリンは、平成28年5月12日にゲストとして出演し、松戸市とオーストラリア・ホワイトホース市 姉妹都市45周年記念のお祝いについて話しました。約4分間の短いインタビューですので、気軽に聞いてみてください!


April 2016, Paradise Air パラダイス・エア

CIR Erin manages the international communications for the Paradise Air Artist-In-Residence Short Stay Program, based out of Matsudo. Paradise Air was featured on the front page of the April 15th issue (2016) of local newspaper Koho Matsudo (below).



October 2015 - "Matsudo Liveability Laboratory" まつどやさしい暮らしラボ

During the inaugural Japan Pop Culture Carnival ('JPCC', held at Matsudo's Forest and Park for the 21st Century in October 2015), CIR Erin was invited to talk about some of her experiences in Matsudo with the "Matsudo Liveability Laboratory" team. MLL team members live locally and are passionate about their communities. They devote their free time to exploring the local area and writing online articles promoting this great city.

Read the JPCC article here (Japanese only).


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文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653









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